Chapter 19

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"Is Nick here?" I asked Rosella as I placed my duffle bag on the floor.

"That I am not certain of, feel free to look for him in his room. I need to take a shower before bed." She sleepily yawned, already making her way to her joint bathroom with a white towel in her hold.

I rolled my eyes at my sleep loving friend before making my way towards the door and exiting the room into the empty, dim lit hallway. I made my way down the hallway like I have done so many times before. 

I stopped outside of Nick's familiar bedroom doors and gently knocked. I waited for about a minute, before knocking again. I cocked my head to the side when I didn't receive a response again. I grabbed the handles and pushed the one door open before entering the room. There was no sight of Nick and his bed was still very much neatly fixed. His bathroom door was opened, but there was no sound coming from there.

Arms wrapping around my waist from behind had me jumping to get away just to calm down at a gentle kiss being placed on my bare shoulder.

"Good evening, Darling." Nick's familiar, but tired voice greeted as I turned around in his arms to face Nick's familiar features, looking worn than ever before.

"Hi, you look exhausted." I stated the obvious.

"But do I still look handsome?" He pouted, placing a gentle peck on my lips as I lightly giggled at his response.

"Very," I admitted," I just wanted to say hi before I went to bed."

"And here I had hoped you would sleep with me tonight as my last night as crowned prince," He pouted with puppy dog eyes that twisted at my heart and had me almost agreeing as I bit my lip. I haven't slept with him since that morning. I just continued to sleep in Rosella's room even though I have been offered a room many times before. Rose and I just enjoyed our sleep overs in her room," Please, Darling? Just this once more? That day I slept with you in my arms, I slept better than I had ever slept and tonight I need that sleep again in order to make it through the day tomorrow."

I looked at his practically begging features and the teasing tendril that brushed against his eyelashes.

"Only on one condition," I found myself agreeing. "You let me brush that loose tendril away." I smiled.

"Did you even have to ask?" He chuckled, leaning down so I he could be in reach.

I gently moved it to the back with the rest of his hair before I was lifted by my waist as he straightened up, allowing me to be at almost the same height as me. 

"I have to go change into my pajamas." I said, stealing a quick peck from him.

"You know how much I love it when you initiate the affection," He mused," But you can sleep in one of my shirts tonight so you will not be leaving this room for the rest of the night."

I chuckled at his boyish ways but nodded nonetheless. He gently placed me on his bed before walking to his closet and coming out with a soft pink coloured shirt that he handed me.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Anytime, Darling." He winked, heading back into the walk in closet.

I got off the bed and made my way to his bathroom. I closed the door before stripping out of my clothes leaving my sports bra, bra and underwear on before pulling on the shirt that brushed just above my knees.

I collected my clothes and neatly folded them before walking back into the bedroom to Nicholas who was already laying under the covers. I placed my clothes on the laundry basket before heading to the bed and slipping in next to him, just as a yawn left his lips. The coronation has been stressing him out and he hasn't been sleeping properly according to Rose and that's concerning for me. Which is part of the reason to why I agreed to sleep with him tonight.

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