Chapter 13

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"Wow, your kingdom is absolutely stunning. " I said in awe as Nicholas offered me his hand from outside of the carriage.

"That it is." Nicholas agreed with a look of pride glistening from his features and lacing his tone.

I took the offered hand and climbed off the carriage, my feet stepping onto the white pathway of the palace.

"We will be taking you to the best pastry shop in the entire kingdom next time." Rosella enthusiastically assured.

"Don't you guys have a lot of work to do?" I curiously asked. I mean, they act like people that have plenty of time in their hands.

"Of course, but you are my soulmate, making you my first priority at all times. " Nicholas teasingly winked at me, making my insides turn into mush. He was too charming to be true.

"Nicholas, you are making the poor child flustered." Came a soft, calm, womanly voice from the side making all our attention go to the mysterious person.

There stood the exact replica of Rosella in a navy blue, silk like, floor length, long sleeved, sheath gown with her brunette hair with yellow highlights tied firmly upon her head in a neat bun. Small diamond earrings shone brightly from her ears due to the sun shining onto them. They were paired with a thin, diamond choker that clung gently to her porcelain like neck. Her face held minimal amount of make up in such a way that it accentuated her beauty rather than changed her face. She was gorgeous and intimidating. The strong aura of command she emitted was enough to make me want to hide behind a rock and never come out. It made me feel scared to the even breath as I took shallow breaths.

There stood a man next to her with his arm loosely wrapped around the woman's waist. He was almost the splitting image of Nicholas except for the blond curls that filled his head. He wore a soft smile and he radiated warmth and comfort, unlike the woman. He did radiate some authority too but it was not as suffocating as the woman's.

"Mother, Father, I was unaware you had returned." Nicholas said in that spine chilling, cold tone that he rarely uses.

"Yes, we had to. Especially after discovering that our son had found his soulmate." The man enthusiastically smiled.

"Yes, the very same one that I believe stands before us." The woman practically scrutinised me without even trying to hide the disapproval and maybe disgust on her hard features, even as her tone remained soft and calm.

"Now now, Jane." The man calmly said.

"I have the right to voice out my opinions, especially if my son, the crowned prince, decided to stop the wedding that would have combined two very influential kingdoms." The lady, Jane, practically spat as her eyes roamed my body," Tristan, the child is not even from this world, she knows nothing about being royalty, nevertheless on how to be a queen."

"She will learn," The man, Tristan glared at his wife, his arm dropping from where it was around her waist." I believe the crown chose her for a reason as it had for me and the rest of our ancestors. Let us not scrutinise the child before she has even walked down the path of royalty." 

The lady gave me a once over before storming off into the palace in rage.

"Apologies for my wife's behaviour, Sweetheart. She has a different view on marriage than the rest of us." The man apologetically smiled," I am Tristan, and who may you be?"

"I am Emira, y-your Majesty." I shakily said, my eyes fleeting down to the ground.

"Well Emira, first rule of royalty, you always look your future father in law in the eye and see him as an equal." Tristan lightly chuckled before I was pulled into a firm, but gentle hug.

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