Chapter 9

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I opened my heavy eyes with a groan as I reached for my phone that continued to annoyingly ring at my bedside table. 

I grabbed it and swiped on the green button before putting it to my ear, "Hello?" I tiredly and sleepily whispered.

"Good morning, Darling. I hope you had a restful night." Came the voice of the person that had been racing tirelessly through my head the whole night and deprived me of my sweet sleep, the monkey! Wait, how did he ev- Rose.

"Unfortunately I did not." I answered truthfully as I looked at my digital watch to find it pridefully showing 07:24. You have got to be kidding me. I only slept for two hours! "I'm going to go back to sleep, good morning ." I lazily said before removing my phone from my ear and swiping on the red button, completely ignoring the gibberish he was saying. No one deprives me of my sleep.

I tiredly put my small old, Samsung J1 on my bedside table with a yawn.

Pulling my warm blanket to neck, I closed my eyes ready to be taken back into my sweet sleep. 

"That was rude of you, Darling." A deep, taunting voice sounded against my ear as the warm breath teased my ear.

A yelp instantly left my lips in shock as my body was filled with adrenaline making me jump off the bed and fall onto my carpeted floors with a loud and painful thump as my back connected with the hard flooring.

"Ow." I cringed at the spiking pain that raced up my spine and throughout my back.

A concerned face instantly appeared in front of me with guilt glazed eyes," My sincerest apologies, Darling. Are you alright?" Nicholas softly asked, his eyebrows scrunched in concern, a frown tightly lacing his lips as his warm large hand gently found its way behind my back and lifted it up, gently cradling me in his warm hold.

His other hand snaked under my bare legs making warm sparks erupt where our skins touched. A soft moan left my lips as I buried my face into his black shirt clad chest. His cologne made my knees weak and put me in a state of euphoria as it nestled me into its manly grasp.

"I take it you are enjoying my scent," He lightly chuckled, bringing me back to reality as my back touched the soft blankets  of my bed, making pain erupt like a flame as an instinctive wince left my mouth in pain. He instantly lifted me back into his arms and cradled me into his chest, engulfing my whole body in warmth. 

He sat down on my messy bed with me still in his arms before placing me gently onto his lap. 

I instantly felt my face flush in embarrassment at the uncompromising position we were in. His hand gently laid on my back before warmth and sparkles engulfed my back. A soft moan of pleasure escaped my lips without my permission before a question circulating in my mind knocked me out of my reverie. 

"What are you doing?" I asked without turning around.

"I am healing your back." He plainly answered before he removed his hand and the cold nipped at my unexposed skin.

"Ahh." I whined in disappointment.

A light laugh escaped Nicholas' lips before I felt his lips against my exposed neck as he pressed his warm lips against it making a shiver run down my spine at the unexpected action even as it warmed my whole body. 

"I have to take my leave now, Darling. Rosella will be here to fetch you for lunch, please wear any attire that brings you comfort," He requested as he placed his hands on my hips and gently and effortlessly lifted me off his lap and placed me onto my bed before getting up and facing me, " Please try not to be tardy, Darling," He leaned over and placed a kiss onto my forehead before sending me a smile before disappearing into thin air leaving red rose petals in his wake that turned into sparks before completely disappearing. 

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