Chapter 5

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Rosella's POV

I could see the bewilderment and disbelief shining in those chocolate brown orbs of hers. I'm happy that I cannot see nor sense any fear from her though, because that would be disappointing and not to forget painful.

I may only know Mira for a week now, but I really find myself having a deep regard for her. I really care for her for some reason but I'm embracing it. I feel like this was and still is the right thing to do.

"Sapphire?" I heard Mira's questioning, confused voice.


Emira's POV

The familiar white unicorn stopped in front of me, with a familiar creamy white one following close behind it.

"Empress? Sapphire? What are you two doing here?" Asked Rosella with her hands to her hips and a threatening, scolding glare etched on her features.

Empress flipped her mane and turned to Sapphire with what I could interpret as a look of annoyance.

"Of course," Sighed Rosella, letting her hand fall to her sides," Since you two are here, you don't mind taking us to the palace?"

Empress lowered herself and allowed Rosella to climb on her back.

"Ah, Rose," I cautiously said as I looked at Sapphire who resumed the same position that Empress had a while back." I've never ridden a unicorn, never the less a horse."

"You can trust her, Mira. I promise." She smiled reassuringly.

Sapphire flipped her mane and neighed in what I could think is in agreement to Rose's words.

Deciding to trust Rosella's words, I let out a deep breath of air before walking to Sapphire's side.

"Better yet, I don't know how to climb a horse." I added as I stared at Sapphire's back.

Before I knew it, I was floating up in the air, making a scream erupt from my lips in surprise and fear.

"Calm down, Mira. It's just me." Chuckled Rosella, making me turn at lightning speed to her hand which shone a white-ish colour.

"You have magic?" I exclaimed in shock.

"Yes. Everyone here does actually." She replied as she placed me on Sapphire." There." She smiled.

Sapphire straightened up and stood at her full, tall glory making me look down at the ground. I nearly yelped loudly as I clutched down onto her mane. The ground suddenly seemed far from here.

The unicorns simultaneously started taking on a slow walk through the quiet forest. I turned around to see nothing but thin air behind us.

"Ah, Rose how will you get me back to school?" I nervously asked.

"I'll just teleport you back home." She smiled.

"Then why didn't you teleport us here in the first place? Why did we use the tree house?" I curiously asked.

"Welll, here my powers aren't limited, so I am basically at full strength here but when I'm at school, or actually the human world in general, I'm much weaker. I use the tree house because it requires me to only use a bit of my power." She explained.

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