Chapter 15

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Taking a deep, but quiet breath, I looked up at Nicholas' concern filled, sapphire eyes.

"Nicholas?" I softly called.

"Hmm?" He instinctively replied, his eyes not fleeting to mine even for a second as he remained stuck in his whirlwind of thoughts.

"Nick?" I called again, receiving his full attention this time," Are you okay?"

"Awe, you called me Nick, Darling. You should do that more often, as much as I do enjoy the way my name entrancingly leaves those plump, pink lips of yours, I would enjoy an endearment or nickname as well." He winked, obviously trying to avert my mind from my previous question.

"Nicholas." I softly whined as our feet left crunching sounds as we stepped on dry, fallen leaves on the dry forest floor.

A light laugh left Nicholas' lips as he ran his hand through his hair, a sigh managing to escape his lips during the tentalising, teasing movement as his arms flexed," Well, it seems you might be getting more accustomed to me, Darling, or the bond might have strengthened enough for you to share my emotions." 

"The latter actually, now penny for your thoughts." I repeated his words from earlier.

A laugh boomed from his lips that shook his body, making me smile at the knowledge that I had made him laugh as the tension left the atmosphere. 

"Using my words against against me, huh Darling?" He raised his eyebrow teasingly in accusation and amusement.

"Maybe." I nonchalantly shrugged even as a smile threatened to break from my lips.

"Well, on Friday the annual charity ball is being hosted at the palace and all the kingdoms' royal families will be attending." He sighed, running his hand through his soft, shiny locks making me crave to swat his away and replace it with mine so I could feel the softness of it as it glided in between my fingers.

"Darling, drool will escape your lips if you continue to stare so attentively at my hair. Feel free to ask if you wish to touch it, you are more than welcome to do so." He playfully winked.

"I'll keep that in mind," I playfully stuck my tongue out at him," So about the ball, am I required to attend?"

He sighed as he gently squeezed my hand as if he was reassuring me of something or sharing his strength with me.

"Yes," He replied before looking at me for a response," As my soulmate, you are a part of the royal family of Luminary and as such it is crucial for you attend, but I assure you, I will try to have you excused if you wish. I will not force you to attend against your wishes." He assured me.

"But will that not reflect negatively on you?" I asked, nervously biting my lip as I was met with silence," I need to attend don't I?"

"No Darling, I will take care of everything, you needn't concern your pretty self with this. I assure you." He tried to reassure me, but for some reason I had already made up my mind about going. I wasn't going to be the reason for his reputation being drowned in the sea. Besides, if I am going to be his soulmate, I will need to get used to attending Balls, I think.

"Nicholas, let me do this for you, I mean I will have to attend one of these sometime soon right?" I tried to cover my embarrassing first statement.

Nicholas smiled down at me with pride," I will remain at your side throughout the night, Darling. I promise you." He assured, gently squeezing my hand before lifting my hand and pressing a kiss on the back of it before rubbing his thumb against it, sending shivers throughout my body as it filled me with calmness and assurity.

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