Chapter 3: Euphrasia Amherst

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Enrique's POV

"The truth is--"

"Liwanag, what are you doing here? You are supposed to feed the baby right now!" Solange cut her off.

"O-okay, I'm sorry madam," She said.

Liwanag is about to leave when I stop her. I can't let her leave without telling me the truth.

"Tell me, Liwanag. Is this boy really my child or is he a fake one?!" I asked.

Solange suddenly laugh. It feels like it's just a forced laugh. "Why would you think that, Enrique? Go, carry the baby. Carry it and feel it in your heart,"

Like what she said, I get the baby from Liwanag. As I carry the baby, I try to find joy... The joy of being a father, but I can't feel anything.

This baby boy is not my child.

"Now tell me, it feels good, right? It feels good to carry your son, hmm?" Solange said.


Liwanag's POV

I need to do something. That baby is not Master Enrique and Madam Euphrasia's child! It is Madam Solange's son!

I don't understand why she keeps on lying. I need to stop her before the situation gets worse!

"Liwanag, come with me," She suddenly said.


"I said come with me. Are you deaf?" She rolled her eyes.

"No, what do you need from Liwanag? Besides, why are you even here? This is my mansion and you can't go here without my permission," Master Enrique said to her, he's still holding the baby.

"Wow, is that how you treat your guests? How unprofessional, Enrique. I did nothing but to care about you guys. I am Euphrasia's friend!"

She suddenly grab me going somewhere. We are going to a part of the mansion where no one can hear us.

"Madam, what do you need from me?" I asked.

She suddenly slap my face.

"That's what you get! How many times do I have to tell you that you are just a maid!? You have no right to block me from doing anything what I want!" She shouted.

"I am a maid but I am also a human like you! I am only doing what's right! Where did you bring Madam Euphrasia?! And where is the real heiress?!!!" I said.

"How dare you raise your voice at me!" She is about to slap me again but I block her arm. I quickly raise my other hand to slap her face.


I froze when I heard the voice.

It is Mrs. Amherst!

"Is that what kind of people you hire, Mrs. Amherst?! How disrespectful!" Madam Solange said as she acts like she is hurt because I slapped her face.

"I'm so sorry, let me explain please," I begged.

I am scared to lose this job. This is my only source of income. Plus, I haven't even told them the truth yet.

"Mrs. Amherst, that baby boy is not your real grandchild!" I said.

"And you're even a liar! How do you expect me to believe you?! YOU'RE FIRED!" She said but she suddenly faint.

Mrs. Amherst is getting old and she's not allowed to be stressed! Oh my god! What have I done?!



Mrs. Amherst was quickly brought to the hospital. The other maids are left in the house to take care of the baby boy, Kaiser Blade.

"I'm so sorry, Liwanag, but I will have to fire you," Master Enrique said while we wait outside the Emergency Room.

"P-please no. I am begging you, sir," My tears suddenly fall.

"You caused trouble at my house, you even did this my mom. I can't let those happen again and the only way to do that is to fire you,"


"Don't worry, I will double your salary for this month,"

That's it. He left. I haven't even told them the truth yet.

I feel guilty. I know the truth but I can't even do anything.

In the first place, I shouldn't even care about them, right? I am only their maid, like what Madam Solange said.

The only thing I should do right now is to find Madam Euphrasia. She's the only one who can fix these. She has the power and not me. She needs to know that there is a fake Amherst in their mansion!

But how should I start finding her?


Solange's POV

"Madam Solange, I thought their baby is a girl? But why is this a boy?" A maid told me when I enter the master's bedroom, I just came from the hospital when I visit Mrs. Amherst there.

"Get out, NOW!" I raised my voice then I roll my eyes at her.

"Oh my dear Kaiser Blade, who would've thought we will be here? Everything happened so quickly... and successfully," I smirked as I touch his little hand.

No one should know that Kaiser Blade is my son! Oh well, only Euphrasia and Liwanag knows about it anyway. Not even his real dad knows.

Red West Calling...

I turned off my phone when Red called. He shouldn't know that he has a child with me! It would ruin all my plans!

"We are one step to the victory, my dear. Don't worry, in the right time, I will tell you everything. I will tell you the truth that I am your real mom. But for now, just enjoy being the fake heir of the Amherst family. One day, you will thank me for giving you a good life than what your real dad can give you," I whisper to him like it's a lullaby to make him sleep.

The Guy Calling....

I smirked when the guy called. It is the guy that I secretly asked to bury Euphrasia's dead body.

I'm pretty sure she's dead. I shot her close enough to kill her.

"Did you already do what I asked you to do? You better give me a good answer," I said like it's a threat.

"I'm sorry madam! When I went to the address you gave me, there is no one there. Maybe she's still alive then she escaped!"

My body started shaking. No way! I will find you Euphrasia! No matter where you are!

You want hide and seek? Let the game begin then!

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