First Day Troubles

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Taeyong sighed as he buried his face in his pillow.

Today was terrible, he thought as he remembered the tiring day he had. You would think that being attractive would only bring benefits but it was the exact opposite of that. It was horrible.

At least it was for Taeyong.

All day he had girls and even some boys coming up to him asking for his number. He also found many confessions stuffed into his locker when he went to get his books after lunch. Even when he tried to tell them to stop, it didn't work. In fact, it only increased the amount of people wanting to get into his pants and especially the amount of girls trying to "get him to make an exception for a special girl like them."

He wasn't kidding.

3 different and completely unrelated girls all said those exact words to him.

Taeyong felt like vomiting after hearing that.

Even in class it didn't stop. People purposely dropped objects next to his seat and very obnoxiously tried to look sexy as they shoved their asses in his face trying to pick it up. They probably thought they were being seductive but in reality they just looked stupid.

One girl even sat on his lap "accidentally" during the morning assembly. Disgusting.

One good thing did happen though. He met a boy around his age named Ten. They were able to bond over their disgust of the girl who so annoyingly tried to grind on Taeyong while "apologizing" saying she thought he was an empty seat.

"Please. That bitch has some nerve." Ten said after shooing the girl away. "Are you okay? Hopefully she didn't get any stains on your pants." Taeyong couldn't help but laugh after hearing that.

"Yeah I'm fine. Thanks for saving me." He said over dramatically as he put his hand to his forehead. Ten giggled. "No problem. My name is Ten." He said as he put his hand out.

"What are we, 50?" Taeyong joked as he returned the handshake.

"Very funny." Ten rolled his eyes as he shoved him lightly.

Their conversation ended suddenly as the assembly started, but they promised to catch up at lunch.

Ten told him about his similar experience on his first day of moving to the school. They were both having it worse now since everyone envied and crushed on the two heart throbs of the school who were now friends.

Just great. Now couples of friends were asking them for their numbers, hoping to have a fairytale double date.

But hey, at least he made a friend. He even managed to get Ten's number so he wouldn't be so lonely at his house. He sighed again and went on his phone, trying to distract himself by watching random videos. After an hour he decided to get up and make dinner for himself. He was a good cook so the meal was fine, and he studied for a while afterwards before going to bed. He didn't bother waiting for his mother since she was usually busy and came home late.

He went to sleep and hoped that tomorrow would be better.


Hey everyone! Hopefully you like this story so far and I'll try to update as often as possible. I'll be able to update pretty often on the weekend so hopefully you don't get bored!

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