A Fun Time

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"Let's play spin the bottle!" Haechan said excitedly.

His excitement quickly turned to annoyance however, as all the designated tops in the group relationships grabbed their bottoms possessively.

Including the male whose lap he was sitting on.

"Don't even think about it." Hendery said as him and Xiaojun each grabbed one of Yangyang's arms and pulled the boy even closer to them.

Renjun sighed.

"Damn guys, why so possessive?" He said, but immediately took it back when the said possessive tops glared at him.

They were quickly silenced by Jeno and Jaemin glaring back however.

They might be on the younger side of the group's spectrum, but no one wanted to mess with Renjun's boyfriends.

They were quite possibly the most possessive and dangerous boyfriends out of their entire group.

Messing with them and especially messing with Renjun was a death sentence, so no one usually did.

If anyone did, however, Jeno had his pure physical strength to fight with and Jaemin could turn an entire school against you with a simple wink.

Taeil rolled his eyes and made eye contact with Kun as they shared a "this is why I'm single" look.

"A-anyways," Chenle started, trying not to get anyone annoyed at him as well. "How about we just turn it into truth or dare?"

Everyone agreed and a few minutes later all twenty three of them were sitting around a bottle on the floor of Taeyong's living room.

"Alright. I'll spin first." Haechan said, grabbing the bottle in the middle.

The bottle spun and landed on Lucas.

"Okay Lucas, truth or dare?" He asked with a smirk.

"Um, I don't trust you so truth." Lucas replied.

"Okay, would you ever leave Jungwoo for 10 million dollars?"

"That's stupid, obviously not. We already planned to get married in 10 years."

Jungwoo smiled, content with his boyfriend's answer.

Their friends gushed at their wholesomeness before turning back to the game.

Now it was Lucas's turn to spin. The bottle landed in between Renjun and Yangyang.

"How does that work?" Yangyang asked.

"Guess you both have to go." Jaemin shrugged.

"It doesn't matter, they're both going to chose truth because they're cowards." Sungchan said smirking.

He was sitting next to Lucas, and when he heard the dare Lucas had planned, he was eager to see it go through.

"No we're not!" Renjun and Yangyang said simultaneously.

"We'll both choose dare!" Yangyang said.

"Wait no. We take it back." Renjun said when he noticed the way Lucas and Sungchan were both looking at them.

"Too late!" Ten said, excited to see what Lucas had planned.

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