Smooth Rides and A Bump In the Road

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Sorry for the last two dark chapters but here's a bit of NCT side ships to make up for it :)

But there is also going to be a bit of rape and self harm mentioned in this chapter, it won't be as bad as before.

Also haha as I mentioned before, I have no idea what I'm writing so to clarify they are in their junior year of high school. We are also going to pretend they're at a legal age for drinking and such for story purposes so... :)

The next few months went by pretty regularly for the group of new found friends.

Johnny and Ten started dating after they got an A+ on their project, and Doyoung and Taeyong became friends after receiving an equally good grade.

Taeyong and Ten had started hanging out with the football team, and they had to admit that they were all pretty nice.

There were also more people than they thought. Besides Johnny, Jaehyun, Jungwoo and Sicheng, there were was also 16 other people.

Some of them weren't part of the football team though, rather just the team members' significant others, and others were like Doyoung, just friends with the team.

The football members were Johnny, Yuta, Jaehyun, Lucas, Mark, Hendery, Jeno, Jaemin, Yangyang, Sungchan and Jisung.

Johnny was dating Ten, Yuta was dating Sicheng, Lucas was dating Jungwoo, Mark was dating Haechan, Hendery, Yangyang and Xiaojun were dating, Jeno, Jaemin and Renjun were dating, Sungchan was dating Shotaro, and Jisung was dating Chenle.

Finally the five that were single were Taeil, Jaehyun, Kun, Doyoung and Taeyong.

It took a while for Taeyong and Ten to memorize everyone and their relationships, but after a week they finally got it down.

Besides that, Doyoung and Taeyong were almost always together. Besides them being part of the same friend group, Doyoung rarely let Taeyong be alone after the alleyway incident all that time ago.

The two also might have started to develop feelings for each other due to all the time spent together, but neither would ever admit it.

They were both stubborn and tsundere like, which only frustrated their friends as they could all see the difference in moods whenever they interacted with each other.

They decided not to butt in that much though. Well, except for Ten, Haechan, Jaemin and Chenle obviously.

Everyday they would be constantly teased by the four pests about how cute they were. The only time they stopped was when Doyoung would threaten them, but then Taeyong would calm him down and it would start even more.

Despite that though, the two didn't grow further apart at all.

So here they were on a cold February afternoon walking to Taeyong's house together. School had already ended and since it was a Friday, they decided to hang out.

Doyoung was walking briskly as he didn't want the 4 self-proclaimed Cupids to catch them and tease them again.

"I hope those four idiots don't see us." Doyoung said while glancing behind them.

Although, the 4 younger boys did give Taeyong an idea. He might've been through bad things but his confidence hadn't really wavered, at least not that much, so he decided to finally ask Doyoung out.

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