A New Day

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This one will be kind of a longer chapter.

"Hey anime girl!"

Taeyong turned around at the familiar voice to see Ten running up to him.

"Are you talking to me?" He asked.

"Duh. Who else would I be talking to? Mother Nature?"

Ten rolled his eyes and Taeyong laughed.

"Okay, but why anime girl? Don't you have a better nickname for your dearest friend?"

It had only been two weeks since school started but Ten and Taeyong were already very close with each other. They had been to each other's houses multiple times and both their parents, Taeyong's mom and Ten's dad were very happy to see their kids making friends.

Ten's dad remembered how lonely Ten had been when they moved to Korea last year and Taeyong's mom was glad her son could still trust others after the incident. They two high schoolers text daily and hang out often outside their houses as well.

Ten rolled his eyes again, and stabbed Taeyong with his finger sharply.

"Hello, have you seen the way you sit? Not to mentioned your walk, eyes, and personality." Ten said, counting off the list of things in his fingers. "If you aren't a living replica of an anime girl than I'm not Thai."

"Alright alright, fine. I'm an anime girl, whatever. But what do I get to call you?" Taeyong asked as they stopped at their lockers.

"Hmm. You can call me T-"

"Hey Huns!"

Ten was suddenly cut off as a girl sauntered up to them.

"Um, hi?" Taeyong said, still not that used to all the constant attention. Sure he was familiar with staring and whispering, but no one was ever this forward where he came from.

"What's with the nickname? We don't know you do we?" Ten asked, trying to be polite but he had a feeling he knew where this conversation was going.

The girl giggled. "No, but I was wondering if you two wanted to go on a double da-"

"Oh would you look at the time! Wehavetogettoclassnowbye!" Ten sputtered before grabbing Taeyong and pulling him in the direction of their classroom.

Once they got in, they stood at the entrance, catching their breath as they just ran up two flights of stairs to escape the girl. They looked at each other and suddenly burst out laughing, earning a few strange looks from their classmates.

"You should have seen her face when you dragged me off Ten!" Taeyong laughed, remembering how shocked the girl looked at the sudden rejection.

"Hahaha, yeah. I didn't want to be rude but I'm kind of sick of it at this point. It's only been two weeks and- do you have the chart?"
Ten asked as Taeyong pulled his phone out.

"Yes. This is the 46th one for you and 46.5th one for me."

"46.5th?" Ten asked, slightly confused at what the other boy meant.

"Yeah, the girl ran off before she could finish."

"Oh ok."

Taeyong smirked at Ten as he continued.

"Looks like I'm winning right now!"

Ten groaned. On the first day, after they realized just how many confessions they got and will get, they decided to make a bet. Whoever gets the most confessions gets to make the loser do whatever they want them to for 24 hours.

"Just you wait. I hate getting confessions but I'll deal with them if it means I can get you to be my slave for a day."

"Same for me Ten."

Their conversation stopped as the teacher came into their classroom.

"Good morning class. We don't have a lot to do today except what I'm about to tell you so I'll just get into it."

"Hopefully you all have been properly acquainted with each other by now because we are doing a group project!"

The class had a very mixed reaction after hearing that.

Most of the extroverts cheered at the idea of working with other people they may not know, while most of the introverts groaned at the thought of human interaction.

Everyone though, for the most part, wanted to be paired with their friends, or at least someone they knew.

"Yeah yeah I know," the teacher continued. "You all hate each other, but suck it up because you have no choice. This is a major grade."

Even more groans.

"Come on don't be like that. I'm choosing your partners but I tried to make it okay for some of you. Anyways I'll call out the pairings now."

Ten and Taeyong looked at each other, both hoping to be paired together, but unfortunately fate wasn't on their side that day.

...or was it?

"Johnny Suh and Ten Lee."

Ten and Taeyong sighed. Ten wasn't that sad, he had heard that Johnny was a nice person, but he still would rather be with his best friend. He gave a "hope you get someone good" look to Taeyong. Taeyong returned it with a pout and looked back to the teacher who was still calling out names. He tried to think of who besides him hadn't been called yet, when he heard his name.

"Alright. Last but not least we have Kim Doyoung and Lee Taeyong."


Hey guys. So we now have a scenario for DoTae to interact, hopefully you like it! Also the chapter lengths will probably vary a lot because I'm not that consistent lol.

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