Bad Memories (TW//rape)

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Hey, so hopefully you guys don't hate me for this but this is another dark chapter. If you aren't comfortable with the aforementioned topic in the title please skip this part.

"Stop... aah... OW! Please stop!" Taeyong screamed, tears streaming down his face as the jock wouldn't stop touching him and giving him extremely unwanted hickeys.

The jock growled.

"What do you mean stop? This is what you get for teasing me you fucking whore."

"I d-didn't do anything! All I did was come to the party!"

The football player chuckled in a dark and frightening way while Taeyong struggled to get out from underneath him.

"You were practically begging." He smirked, the darkness in his eyes evident as he tried to ravish Taeyong once again, only to receive a painful blow to his crotch.

Taeyong scrambled up and over to the door, only to widen his eyes in horror as he found it locked. From the outside.

He looked back to see the boy walking slowly towards him, the painful kick from earlier starting to subside.

Taeyong turned back around to the door and started pounding loudly.

"H-H-HELP! HELP PLEASE, SOMEONE HELP ME! HE HAS ME TRAPPED IN HERE! REN HAS ME TRAPPED IN HERE!" He shouted helplessly as he felt the boy nearing him.

He turned back around to see a laughing Ren.

"Oh baby."

"Don't call me that!"

"I can call you whatever I want. You can't escape. Look around, your bitchy mouth has been screaming for the past 15 minutes, and no one has come to disturb us. Everyone has either gone home or is drunk and passed out."

"I haven't taped your mouth shut yet because I want to make you scream my name, but if you don't shut the fuck up I just might. And I'll make sure it hurts to get it off."

He screamed again as he was harshly pinned to the bed, his tears staining the bed sheets and cries echoing throughout the room as Ren did unspeakable things to him.

"No, no no stop! Stop please!"

"Taeyong! Taeyong!" Doyoung shouted. He had been woken up from screams coming from his bed.

The poor boy hadn't even realized that his nightmare was causing him to scream out loud.

Taeyong shot straight up as he felt someone shaking him and immediately buried his face in his hands, sobbing uncontrollably.

Doyoung decided not to question his behavior and instead rubbed his back in comforting circles as he listened to Taeyong crying.

He felt really sorry for the older boy. He didn't know what could have caused him to scream like that but he already knew it was something terrible.

After a few minutes, Taeyong's breathing finally returned to normal and he lifted his head.

He immediately apologized for waking Doyoung up, but was quickly stopped as Doyoung told him he shouldn't be sorry.

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