Awkwardness and Regret

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It was Saturday morning. Taeyong slowly fluttered his eyes open, groaning when the bright outside light entered his eyes.

He lied still for a few seconds, trying to register his headache, when he finally realized where he was.

A pair of hands tightened around his waist, which made him notice there was a person next to him.

He turned around subtly, trying not to wake the other person, but he couldn't help but gasp when he saw who it was.

It was Doyoung.


And he was naked too.

He panicked and sat up suddenly, waking up Doyoung as well.

The younger boy groaned after being waken, only to see Taeyong staring at him.

"Doyoung," Taeyong started carefully.

Doyoung hummed in response, still half asleep.

"W-what happened last night?"

"What do you mean?" Doyoung replied, finally registering their positions.

"Hold on. Why am I naked? And why are you naked too?"

"I-I don't know." Taeyong replied.

"How drunk were we last night?" Doyoung asked.

"Quite a bit I guess?"

They stayed silent for a few seconds, trying to remember what happened.

"W-well since we both don't remember what happened, let's just forget last night happened." Taeyong said.

Doyoung nodded.

It was a lie. They both know what happened last night, but neither of them wanted to admit it in fear that the other only did it under the alcohol influence.

"W-well I guess we should get up now." Doyoung said.

"Right." Taeyong said as he tried to get up, but winced and immediately sat back down.

Doyoung noticed and questioned him.

"Nothing. Just sore." He said.

What he said made both of them blush and they immediately went to get ready.


None of them wanted to face the embarrassment of getting ready together.

Taeyong finished his routine and took out his phone, seeing many text messages from Ten.

Specially asking how the confession plan had gone.

Taeyong sighed and decided to ignore the messages for now.

He checked the group chat they had with the rest of their friends and gasped. They had decided to go to an amusement park today and both Taeyong and Doyoung forgot.

He checked the time.


"Oh shit! Doyoung!" Taeyong said, ignoring the soreness of his lower body as he stumbled over to the door.

The said male peeked his head out from the bathroom.

"We have to get to the amusement park! Hurry!"

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