Family Introductions

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"Hello? Mom?"

"Oh! Doyoung! Took you long enough to call me back."

"I was starting to get worried after you hadn't contacted me for more than a week!"

"How dare you worry me like that!"

Doyoung rubbed his nape sheepishly as he listened to his mother scolding him from the other side of the phone.

"Anyways, have you seen my message?"

Doyoung smiled.

"Yes mom, and I have already found a different person that meets all your requirements."


"Yes. He's upper middle class, is the same age as me (he isn't but we're just going to pretend he is for the sake of the story), is single, has straight A's and is in the top 5% of the school."


"And I'm in love with him."

"Does he love you too?"

"Yes, we told each other two days ago."

"Okay then. I'll cancel the engagement and you will bring him to the gala on Friday."

"Alright mom, see you then."

"Bye Doyoung."

Doyoung ended the call and sighed. He was glad his mom accepted Taeyong, but know he had to tell Taeyong about his mom's plan.

He already knew what Doyoung's family did but Doyoung had never asked if he wanted to be part of something like that.

He picked his phone up again.

Can you meet me at the cafe next to school?

He waited for a few seconds, and a text of confirmation popped up on his screen.

He quickly dressed and headed to the cafe to meet Taeyong.

When he got there Taeyong was already waiting for him with two coffees.

He placed a quick kiss on Taeyong's cheek before sitting across from him.

"Hey Doyoung. What was this about?" Taeyong asked curiously.

"Okay. You know how my mom arranged a marriage for the sake of the business?"

Taeyong nodded slowly.

"Yes, I don't know if I like where this is going."

"Don't worry! I already told my mom to cancel the engagement, but she wants to meet you."

Taeyong sighed in relief and took a sip of his drink.

"But, she also wants us to get married."

Taeyong almost choked.

"She what!?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry for putting it on you so suddenly, but my idea is that I give you a promise ring that one day we'll get married."

"That way my parents will be satisfied for now and if anything changes in the future we can break it off without any big hassle."

Taeyong nodded slowly, processing everything Doyoung had just told him.

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