Wannabe Hero's

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I stare down at the sand thay was still collapsing into the hole with flame within. I smiled as I stood there watching.

They're getting closer.

"Let's get going then." I hummed then began to walk away from the area.

Knowing they'll show up soon.

I open up the book that I was holding. I went to the page that I left my bookmark in.

We walk in silent while I keot reading that book till I felt voice turn into his fox form. He was around my neck looking up.

They seem to have found out where we went.

"What should we do?"

Do nothing.

I stop walking as I glance up at the sky.

"They're here?" I ask as I felt them near by.

Yes but they're invisible. Seem like someone can hear you.

I look up right at them using Void vision. My hood fell down as I stare up at them.

"SuperBoy," I smirked as I close my book. "Tell your team to back off and leave me alone." I told him knowing he can hear me.

I soon felt a slight headache that went away. I saw the ship thing had turn up.

Wasn't it invisible?

That girl name Megan try getting into your mind. Now SuperBoy is mad. Demanding what you did to her.

"I didn't do anything but protect my mind!" I yelled at him.

They're landing.

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

I watch as they land.

Keep them busy.

"Will do," Knowing what Void was planning.

"Well hello wannabe Hero's!" I said in a mock tone.

"What you call us!"

"Did I studder?" I tease knowing KidFlash was easy to mess with.


"Enough! Why did you attack-"

"I didn't attack her dear Leader. She's the one who went into my mind. Last time I check Hero's don't do that to innocent people."

"Yours not-"

"I have done nothing wrong. I was taking a walk when you showed up. Then have a hero try to go into my mind without my pressmission nor the leaders. Am I right?" I can tell from they're faces that I was right.

"I want to be left alone. So tell that Bat of yours to back off. Or else I'll be the villain who destory everything in my path!" I laugh when I saw then go into battle mode.

"What is he?"

"Those eyes weren't human."

"Metahuman maybe?"

Did they just call us a metahuman?

"Yeah they just call us that which is rude." I shrug then saw someone step ahead towords me.

"My name is Aqualad, I'm sorry for my teammates behavior towords you. As well as my but we mean you no harm. We want to help you and find out what happen here."

I can tell he meant it. But I can't go with them becaise they're Hero's while I'm a Villain.

"You can't help someone who's been in darkness all this time. Or the person who once destory the world the first time. After all I'm not innocent." I laugh since I said I was earlier.

"See he's-

"Shut up! We don't know that!"

"But he-"

"You had suffer alone for a long time." I saw Megan walked uo to her teammates from the ship. "I'm sorry for getting into your mind. But for a second I saw you crying. Begging for anyone out there to save you, to hear you. Once I left your mind I felt pain that I never felt before."

Everyone look at me which anger me. I don't want their pity. That was long ago, I'm over it.

That pain will never happen again.

"But it's to late to be save."

It's time

"How could I had been saved when no one was around to help?" I raise my hands out while still holding onto my book. "You felt my pain? You have no idea how much pain I was in!" I started to laugh with a smile on my face. "Then again I don't know what pain feels like anymore." I look up at the sky.

Get ready

"You hero's will soon learn that not everyone can be save." I shut my eyes tight as I felt all chaos rush threw out my body. I open my eyes while releasing energy from my body into the sky causing a lighting storm.

"Good bye hero's!" I strike them all with lighting but made sure they wouldn't die.

I soon vanished along with Void.

I hope that I'll never meet them again.

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