A New Beginning

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When I first walked into the nice fancy apartment. A lady had ran up and gave me a hug. It shock me to see some random lady hug me.

After all I been alone for so long.

You had me.

You know what I mean...

Yeah, Yeah...

"It's nice to meet you Scott! I'm Barry wife name name Iris! Barry had already inform me all about you. So welcome to Central City!"

Tell them your real name.

I smiled before hugging her back with a laugh. "Sorry I lie about my name. It's Stiles,"

Iris release the hug but ketp smiling. "I Don't blame you for lying. After all we are strangers. But thank you for telling me your real name." She soon grab my hand to lead me somewhere.

"I'll show you to your room. Then you and I will go shopping. We can make your room well yours. Plus some cloths and other stuff you need for school."

I gave her a wierd look when I heard the school part. Hoping Barry already inform her on what I wanted.

"You'll be homeschool, I'm sure you'll want to learn what's happening. Since you seem to nor know anything about this world." Iris smiled as Barry had indeed inform her.

I quickly realize what she meant.

"You mean future," I saw the look they both gave me. "I been alive for a really long time. But I'm not sure how much time has past. I been underground for so long."

"Then we'll help you as much as we can." Barry said while he went to walk away while dailing some number in his phone.

"We're going be your foster parents. So when Batman does find out then you're safe. Since you'll be under our care." Iris smile as she soon open the door to my soon to be new room.

"But I'm poor with no money."

"Barry wasn't kidding when he said you're funny."

"I mean it,"

"Don't worry we have the money to take care of you." Iris then went to leave the room. "I'll let you look around before we go shopping. That way you have ideas for your new room."

I walked into the middle of the room.


Yes home.

  - One Month Later

My room was deck out in all the super hero stuff. I had a Batman bed because why not. My walls were Flash theme. My carpet was aqauman theme. I also had a wonder women cat tower theme for Void. Who also had a flash cat house with a batman bed. Also superman stickers on my cool new laptop. Void had a Superman doll that he likes to chew on. We had other gero theme stuff.

So much Hero theme!

So what if my room is childish and not matching. We both like our room very much.

I even open up to my parents.

Yes that's right, parents! I call Iris, mom. While I call Barry by his name or randomly when his guard is down, Daddy flash.

I only told them how I lost control of my power when Void show up. They also know about Void. Who runs around the house in his fox form.

They both go to work and I stay home enjoying playing video games abd researching.

When I'm done with school.

I guess it's kinda cheating when I have Void to help me. But I hate to admit it. I did miss school.

I even made some friends from the online classes. It's strange to have friends.

I was sitting on the balcony eating ice cream while Void play with some dog toy. I was enjoying the sun. When the front door slam open then shut.

I turn my head and saw Barry in his hero custome.

"Bats know! And he wish to see you!" He sounded panic.

I turn away and continue to eat my icecrean.

"Stiles!" Barry whined as the front door open then slam once more.

"Barry I got the papers!" Iris yelled as she got close to us.

"What papers?" I had turn my body to face them as I ketp eating my ice cream.

"Oh so you answer her and not me."

"Oh hush Barry, we already knew Batman woukd find out. Its funny it even took him this long."

I nodded my head in agreemeant.

"We're adopting you!"

Void stop chewing on the toy and started to run around the place like crazy.

Because how happy he was.

I felt tears gather in my eyes as I drop the rest of my ice cream. Iris ran over to hug me after setting papers on coffee table. Barry caught my ice cream which he now eating.

"Thank you so much mom!" I cried out as i held onto her crying.

"You're welcome sweetie! Now get dress! We go out to dinner and deal with batman later!"

I wipe ny tears away then look at Barry. "How dare you eat a poor person ice cream Daddy Flash!" I yelled while slowing getting up after Iris pull away from me.

Barry choke on the ice cream before finishing it. "How many times do we have to tell you! You have money!"

How many times did we say its your money not ours!

Iris and I laugh at Void sass who was rolling on the coffee table.

"Void! That's it! Bathtime before we go out!"

No bath!

I laugh harder as I watch Void and Barry run around the place like crazy. While Iris was sitting on the couch filling in the paper work.

This is home.

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