Who Are They?

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I watch as Batman stood in front of everyone telling us about some new mission.

"A town has been found out in the middle of the deserts. Looks like this town was there before any built up here. I want you to check it out then come back and report your findings." Batman then walked off leaving the young hero's to head out.

I walked with the others towards the bio-ship. Once we all got in Megan started to drive it with Conner sitting next to her.

I sat next to Aqualad while Kid Flash and Artemis sat near us.

"So what's the plan?" Kid asks while he stared at Artemis who wasn't even looking at him but away.

"We should split up into groups of three. Kid, you're with Megan and Robin."

I gave Aqualad a look from behind my mask. I wasn't paired up with them before.

"While I group up with Conner and Artemis."

"I like this pairing!" Artemis said while Kid pouted.

"I think it's a good idea. We should get used to working with different pairs. " I heard Megan said while I nodded my head.

This is why he is the leader. I'm still learning to be a better leader before I become one again.

I look out the window thinking about the mission.

An underground town? Built before Gotham City? The way Bruce talked about it sounded like he didn't know much about it. Which kinda surprised me but at the same time made me want to tease him about it.

The greatest Detective himself doesn't know! Classic!

"What happen?!" I look over at Kid who is seen as confusing but scare.

I look out the window and saw that the sand had collapsed. But you could see the flames mixed with the sand.

Something happen here.

"Megan, land nearby but don't get to close to the flames. We still need to see what happen."

"Are you sure it's safe for you to go Aqualad?"

"He should be fine as long as he doesn't get to close to the flames," I added as Megan landed the bio-ship near a safe spot.

I quickly follow the others off the ship. We each went to our groups to look around. From what I can find was the city underneath was destroy. There was also no way down there.

Well unless you go in the middle where the sand is burnt and seem to be sinking down.

Whoever did this, knew what they're were doing. But how did they know we were coming? There's no way they just do this without reasons. Whoever they were must had known something.

Or we're they hiding something within the city?

"Let's head back and report back to Batman," Aqualad announced once we regroup.

We all follow him while I stay a little in the back of the group thinking. I glance back at the flames that slowing started to go down.


"Let's hurry back to the ship now!" I rush towards to bio-ship.

"Wait! Did you figure something out?!"

"Whoever did this couldn't be far! We didn't see anyone on our way here which means-"

I was cut off my Megan. "Hello, Megan! They must have run off the other way!  Why didn't we think of that sooner!"

They couldn't have gotten too far.

Once everyone was on the bio-ship it took off and went forward. Hopefully, the person went this way and not some other way.

"There's footsteps!" Kid yells while pointing down from the window smiling.

"Good job for doing something!"

"Shut up arrow girl."

"What you call me?!"

"Shut up! I hear him!"

I look over at Conner who was staring out the window. I look over and froze.

"It's that a kid?!"

"A teen boy, "

There was a boy wearing a red jacket with his hood up. He seems to be reading some kinda book. He was also wearing black shorts with white shoes on.

"He smells like dry blood." I froze at what Conner had just said.

"He's talking to someone."

"There's no one else there?" I voiced.

Soon the kid turns around as his hood fell down. He was a teen who was looking up at us. His face was emotionless as his face a pale. But there around his neck was a black fox glaring up at us.

Who are they?!

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