Stalk You at School for lunch?

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Somewhere in Gothic City-

So this is the place?


A high school?

It's more then a high school but yes.

You know what he looks like?

We both do!

So we go in and what?

Stalk him!

No we need a better plan then that Void!

Wait till class is over.

It's still the morning.

Oh yeah...I didn't think ahead.

You didn't think at all!

Not my fault!

It so is!

Let's just sneak in and go on from there.

Terrible plan but we should use the shadows.


We sneak into the school but somehow found ourselves on top of the roof laying down. Looking up at the sky counting clouds. But we did come up a with a plan.

A plan, we use to do that all the time back then.

So now we wait?

We could nap?

I nodded my head t that as I close my eyes. Soon time went by when I open my eyes.


Looks like it's going be lunch time in a few minutes.

I soon heard my stomach growled.

Let's kidnap the kid and get lunch?

Sure, why not.

I slowing say up as I straight out my arms then stood up. I use the shadows to hid in the halls near one of Robin classroom.

Once he's out, we grab him and get food!

Yeah, yeah.

We waited till the bell ring.

Somewhere in school-

I went to school feeling unease. Like someone was watching me the whole time. Ever since my team and I met that kid. Batman been trying find him everywhere.

Seem like he did find that kid who got himself  adopted. By The Flash and his wife. Living a normal life, or trying to. KidFlash been trying met his new cousin but he's been told no.

Batman even try to get the kid to join us but even he got denied. Which I find super hilarious. But maybe we should just leave him alone?

My other teammates seem to have mix feelings about him after what happen. But then again we did kind attack him first. It seem like he didn't want anyone to bug him.

Like he just wanted to be alone.

But he also wasn't sure what he wanted.

I kinda wish that he did had join our team. Would be nice to have another cool new member. Plus maybe we all could had help him better.

Mostly because he had powers or something.

I shook my head and went to my first class. I continue my day till I realize that I'm in my last class til lunch.

Lunch then more classes before going to meet up with the team. I just wish I didn't have to spend all day in school.

I gather all my stuff before heading out of the classroom. Once I step out the door, my vision was consume by darkness. Once my vision was back to normal. I found myself in a booth in some diner.

I look across from me to see the boy! He was holding up the menu while the fox was on his back looking over his shoulder.

He had his hood on while his hair cover up his eyes. But I could tell he was mostly focused on food.

"Aren't you going order something?"

I blinked at him before looking down seeing a menu in front of me. I pick it up and look over the food.

Soon we both order our drinks then food. After we got our drinks. I couldn't help but star at him.

"We wanted to talk to you before joing the team."

"You want-"

Only if you tell your team that we're not a threat. After all we didn't mean to hurt you all.

I heard the kid laugh. Never did learn his name. Now that I think about it.

"I'll see what I can."

"Just so you know, we're still adjusting to life here. We're not use to all this."

We been alive for a really long time.


"We're not sure,"

"So, is he your pet?"

How dare you HUMAN! I AM NOT HIS PET! I am-

"He's family,"

I blinked and saw the aww look on the fox face.

I couldn't help but smile at the two.


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