Food Demand and Turst?

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I landed on my butt as my eyes were close. I slowing open them to see people staring at me. I then got up and walked away.

I felt myself shaking from being near so many people. I wasn't use to see other people so close up like this.

I was alone for so long.

Not use to a place full of poeple.

You should be okay.

Why is that?

You handle those wannabes fine.

Those are kids and there weren't as many as there are here! Look at all these people!

You'll be fine.

I took a deep breath knowing Void is right. I'll be fine, just need time to get use to all of this.

I look around this town. Only to find out it's not a town. But a huge city! I so acting like a child seeing things for the first time in forever.

I must had been alone to long.

I kept walking till I smelt food in the air. Made my stomach growled.

We have no money.

I stop in my tracks only to facepalm myself.

You're right, we're poor.

I want human food!

Yeah, yeah! I know! We only feed off chaose and pain all these years.

Let's steal

I guess we have to.

That's when it hit me!

Where's my book?!

I thought we had it.

No I don't have it!

Go back to where you landed! Turn around!

I am!

I quickly turn around retacing my steps. I should had known I lost it. I been walking with empty hands this whole time. That books is what I have left from there.

Only thing I care about now.

I ketp walking till Void yell in my danm head its there on the floor. I ran over and picked it up. I held it up to the sky smiling.

"Yes! I found you! I thought I lost you forever!"

Behind you!

I slowing turn around and see a person in a custom. I arch my brow at him like someone who use to.

"Yes? How may I help ypu today sir?"


Flash? What a strange Hero name.

"Sorry Kid, but you have to come with me."

"Can you at least treat me to food. I'm hungry! And I don't even know where I am! I'm also very poor with no money. And those kids were rude to me. They attack me first. Yes I attack back only because they started it." I watch as Flash just stared there staring at me.

"You can sure talk kid. I'm not mad just disappointment that you hurt them."

"It was the only way for them to back off sir."

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