Chapter 1

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The door of the cellule opened by a squeak that woke up the occupant. Afraid he asked.
"Who are you ?"
But only after a few seconds the intruder replied with.
"My name is...".

Today, a taxi stopped in front of Briarcliff asylum, spied on by sister Jude looking by the window. A young woman, with short brown hair and beautiful brown eyes, walked out of the taxi wearing a long black skirt with a green blouse. She walked, with self-confidence in her small black high heel, into the asylum. Sister Jude was now waiting for her in the entry of the building.
"What does a girl of your kind do here ?" Asked sister Jude questioning the new arrival.
"I wanna become a sister, like you sister... ?" Waiting for sister Jude to say her name.
"Sister Jude, my name is sister Jude. Come, it's better to talk in my office."
While climbing the stairs the woman was looking everywhere in this spectacular place.
"Those stairs are so impressive" Shouted the young girl.
Sister Jude content to scoff.
Without saying anything else, they finally arrive in the office.
"So, what is your name miss ?" Asked sister Jude.
"My name is Rose, Rose March"
"And you, Rose March, were telling me that you wanna become a sister ?"
"Yes exactly, and I would like to work here."
"Alright, but before I have few questions."
Sister Jude wasn't sure if she should trust Rose or not.
"First, why do you wanna become a sister here ?" Questioned sister Jude.
"I heard about the bakery, here in the asylum, and I found this idea genius. I could become a sister and work in the kitchen. I want my past to go away and I wanna help people."
Sister Jude took a moment and thought about her options. Rose seemed good and seemed to really wanna become a sister.
"Alright, sister Rose welcome to briarcliff asylum, sister Mary Eunice will show you around."
"Oh ! Thank you, thank you, thank you sister Jude, you'll not regret it."
"Yeah, yeah, we'll see about that"

Sister Mary Eunice showed every part of the asylum to sister Rose.
"And, there it's your room, and this is what you're gonna wear" Sister Mary Eunice ended up saying.
"Thank you !" Says Sister Rose.
"Your welcome, and if you need anything, just ask me !"
Sister Rose smiled to sister Mary Eunice before she leaves the room and close the door behind her. Rose changed and went in the halway. She heard that song playing on a loop À l'époque ou Jean-sans-Terre, D'Angleterre était le roi, Dominique, notre père, Combattit les Albigeois... She opened the doors and arrived in the commun place where the song was even louder. Sister Rose looked around the room and examined everybody until she saw him. This tall guy with short light-brown hairs, with dark brown eyes that were concentrating on his chess game, this guy who has got into an alien story. Bloody Face. But Rose didn't believe a word everyones said about him, Kit Walker wasn't this killer everybody accused him to be. She didn't want him to see her so she moved fast but punched into a small girl with big eyes.
"I'm so sorry" Said sister Rose as fast as she could.
"It's alright sister" Reply the young girl.
"Whoa, whoa, Grace are you okay ?"
It was him, it was Kit Walker he just talked to this woman. He was so close to sister Rose, he couldn't see her or her plan wouldn't work.
"I'm fine" Replied Grace while looking at sister Rose leaving.
"Who was that ?" Asked Kit.
"I don't know, I never saw her before."

Sister Rose came back to her room and told herself.
"You need to me more subtil, more subtil" While punching her head with her hands.

During a while sister Rose watched Kit and hided carefully to not get cut. She heard about him and Grace starting to get really close, they were in love, sister Rose could tell, but it wasn't in her plan, he wouldn't leave if his girlfriend would stay at the asylum. So Rose needed to be fast before things gets too big. But what she didn't know is that it was too late.

One night sister Rose decided it was time to go see him. So she opened the door of his cellule.

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