chapter 4

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Chapter 4

That day, sister Rose went to take a walk in the asylum, and what she found was the best surprise she could have.
"Kit ? Kit !"
Sister Rose had entered the infirmary and saw Kit lay on a bed. She tried to wake him up but he didn't, for a time she thought he was dead and found him too late until she saw the sedation they gave him. Sister Rose then took it off his arm and tried for a second time to wake him up.
"Grace ?" Asked Kit mixes in his ideas.
"No it's me Rose."
"Rose !"
"Are you okay ?"
"Yes, but Grace's not... She's dead isn't she ?"
"Wha-, yes, she is... I saw it..."
"You, you, you saw her die ? And, and you didn't do anything ?"
"I did try Kit, I tried."
Sister Rose didn't seem important right now to tell him all the story, he was still a little bit on the sedation.
Kit started to cry and sister Rose hugged him.
"Sister Rose, are you real ?"
"Yes I am, I am real."
Sister Rose didn't realize when she passed in the infirmary that someone else was in it. The person was listening and then heard his name Kit, Kit Walker he was there still alive. When she saw sister Rose walking out of the room the person faked sleeping and walked seeing the other patient.
"Lana ?" Said Kit.
"Yes, Kit it's me" Replied Lana sobbing.
"Gace is dead !"
"I know I hear you and the sister."
"Sister Rose ? Yeah, she's gonna help me get out of here."
"Are you sure ?"
"I trust her, she proved me."
"Caution with your trust Kit !"
Lana took a pause before continuing.
"He took me."
"Who ? Who took you ?"
Lana started to cry and Kit raised to hug her.
"Dr.Thredson" Lana ended by whispering between two tears.
Kit started to panic, it was the man who was supposed to help him, get him out of trouble.
"I'm so sorry, it never was you Kit, it's him, he's Bloody face." Said Lana.
Kit couldn't get a word out of his mouth, he was shook, he didn't know how to react to this, still Dr. Thredson was his only chance to get out of his problem. Now the only thing he needed to do was make Dr. Thredson confesses his crimes but it was gonna be difficult.
"I'm sorry for you, are you okay ?" Asked Kit.
"I am now thank you." Responded Lana.
She sat on the bed of Kit and they talked for a while before they heard someone opening the door.
"It's okay, it's only me" Said sister Rose.
Lana looked at her not sure how to act, because she didn't trust sister Rose.
"I'm Rose" Finally said sister Rose to Lana.
"I'm Lana"
Lana's face changed and smiled at sister Rose.
"I wanna help you, I readed your fill Lana, you shouldn't be trapped here as well as Kit ! But for that we would need to know who is the real Bloody face."
Both Lana and Kit looked at each other before Kit ended the silence.
"It's Dr. Thredson."
Sister Rose could only think of the kiss they had, that disgusting moment. She wasn't subtil, Lana and Kit were questioning why sister Rose had that reaction so Lana asked.
"Are you okay, do you know something ?"
"Hum ? I, what do you need ?"
"We need him to confess," Said Kit.
"Well I'll see what I can do." Replied sister Rose.
"Thank you." said Lana.
"Now you should both stay in your own bed and fake being sick." Sister Rose ended the conversation with.
Lana, then, went back to her bed while sister Rose closed the door of the infirmary. Sister Rose had her plan in her head but couldn't say anything to Kit or Lana.

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