Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Mature content.

Today was the day, the day this asylum would be exposed and that bloody face would finally be arrested for real this time. Sister Rose came to get Kit and Lana that were ready to go. They all walked out of Briarcliff asylum and entered the cab. It started rolling and they all had the biggest smile they ever had. It then stopped at the nearest police station and Kit made his goodbye to Lana.
"You got this Lana, you are a strong woman, good luck, and expose this asylum as much as you can !"
"I'll do it, for you Kit, good luck too"
Kit got back in the cab, but before it left Lana inclined herself and thanked sister Rose for her help.
"Thank you so much sister, I hope I'll see y'all again !"
Lana raised her body and moved her hand to Kit and Rose leaving.
"So that let us together sister Rose !" Said Kit.
"Oh call me Rose ! I'm not a sister anymore."
"Alright Rose"
They were both silent for the rest of the ride. When they arrived at the hotel Rose and Kit got out of the cab and entered the hotel.
"Here, your two rooms with one simple bed each." Said the check-in desk lady giving the keys.
"Thank you !" Respond Rose.
Rose took the key and went back to Kit who was waiting a little behind.
"We should go in our room"
Kit and Rose walked into Rose's room and laid on the bed.
"I can't believe I'm finally out of this asylum, thank you, thank you so much !" Exclaim Kit.
"You're welcome, I'm happy to be with you !"
Kit yawn and said.
"Yeah well, I'm gonna go to my room I think."
"Hum, alright, see you tomorrow I guess, good night !"
"Good night !"

Rose went to her bed but couldn't sleep, she kept turning around in her bed. She couldn't stop thinking about him. She needed to talk to him.
Rose went opening the door of her room when she saw Kit on the other side of it. He moved closer to Rose and placed his hand on the left side of Rose's face. He approached his face closer to Rose's one. She then put her hand on the left side of Kit's face and approached at her turn closer to his face. Their lips slowly touch and get mixed together, then the tongue of Kit enters Rose's mouth.The air is light and calm. Kit punches Rose a little forward to close and lock the door. She is punched into the bookcase near the door. Rose turns Kit on the way to the bed and makes him fall on it. Then Rose takes her dress slowly while Kit is taking his T-shirt and pants. Kit raised and sat down on the bed to put his hand on the back of Rose while kissing her belly. She played with his hair and made his head look at her. She softly lowers her head until her lips touch his. Kit then places his arm for hugging her and makes her fall on him on the bed while kissing. They both laughed and continued kissing.

After they just layed on the small bed cuddling. Rose looked at Kit that smiled at her and she content herself to smile back before leaning on Kit's chest and close her eyes while smiling.
"Good night !" Said Kit after kissing Rose's forehead.
"Good night !"

~only one chapter left !~

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