Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

It's been one week since Rose, Kit and Lana left the asylum and the new couple didn't hear anything about Bloody face, Briarcliff asylum or Lana Winter wet. But one day, Rose couldn't sleep so she went on a walk in the hotel and then saw a newspaper on the ground. Lana was on the top of it and it says.
A young journalist succeeds to escape Briarcliff asylum with the help of one of their sister,
sister Rose. They didn't escape alone, they took Bloody face, that we soon learned wasn't the real Bloody face...
The article continued but Rose just ran back to her room that she was sharing with Kit, and woke him up.
"Kit ! Kit, wake up !"
He didn't reply so Rose continued.
"Look what I found ! Lana... She told her story and your's. Here look."
"Am I still dreaming or is that true ?"
"Look Kit ! It's all true !"
"That means we are gonna be able to live our life together at my old house ?"
"Yes ! Even to make a family."
It's at this moment, after Rose told him they could make a family, that Kit remembered something Dr. Arden told him.
"What have you done before Alma disappeared ?" Questioned Dr. Arden.
"We were making out." Said Kit.
"Same as Grace isn't it ?"
It was already too late, Kit and Rose already had make out.
"What have I done." He told himself.
Seeing the face of Kit changing his happiness to a questioning expression Rose asked him.
"What's wrong, aren't you happy ?"
"Yes, I am. But I just remembered something that Dr. Arden told me."
"Kit ! You are free, stop thinking about the asylum !"
"He told me a theorie why Alma and Grace disappeared."
"And what was it ?"
"I had made out with both of them before it happened."
"So what are you saying ? That I could disappear ?" Rose asked afraid.
"I'm not saying that... But I'm worried."
"What do you wanna do then ?"
Kit looked at Rose.

A cab arrived at Briarcliff asylum. A young woman with a charming guy got off it. They walked in that place they both feared going back in. The guy took the woman's hand to reassure her. They walked the stairs and opened the door to enter the building.
"Excuse me who are you ?" Asked a staff member.
"We are old residents from here." Reply the woman.
"And what are your names ?" The staff member questioned.
"I'm Kit Walker and she is Rose, sister Rose." Said Kit.
"Oh, you were with Lana Winter. I see. Go head then." Replied the staff member.
Rose and Kit started walking thru the asylum looking for Dr. Arden but then they saw her. The woman who all started this. She was so innocent, let in that mess. Since the government took this place a few days before, it all went a mess.
"Sister Jude ?" Asked Kit.
She didn't replied.
"We need to do something Rose !" He then said to Rose.
"Like what ?"
Again Kit looked at Rose with a smile.
They took her to Kit's old house. Rose and Kit waited to see if something would happen to Rose. But nothing happened. They also chose to never come back to the asylum. Kit and Rose got married, a cute little marriage in the woods. Lana was there, they kept contact with her ever since they met her at her book sale. Kit and Rose were so happy, they had a girl and named her Judy in honor of sister Jude who died a few years after she arrived at Kit's house. Kit and Rose lived happily until one day Kit had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Rose took care of him until she decided she didn't want to live the same nightmare she lived with her brother when she was younger. They both chose to die together, Kit's hand in Rose's hand. They lived a great life and were happy until the last breath when the big light came to take them both.

*My personal explanation about why Rose didn't disappear like Alma and Grace was that she already had been exposed to the aliens when she was younger and they chose her to be with Kit. So they had the same link with the aliens. (I don't know if it's clear)*

~Anyways, It's the last chapter. Thank you for reading my story. If you like how I write I have other stories :)~

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