chapter 3

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Chapter 3

A week had past. Sister Rose and Kit saw each other everyday until one day while she was in the kitchen and heard police sirens. She went to the window and saw him. It was Kit they were taking Kit to jail. Sister Rose couldn't believe it, she was so close to get him out. She started to punch the bread preparation when Dr. Thredson arrived in the kitchen.
"This is my last day here, would you like to join me tomorrow night at my house for our drink?"
"Oh, sure why not"
"Here is my address"
Sister Rose took the piece of paper and smiled at Oliver.
That same day Dr. Thredson made Lana Winter escape the asylum. Sister Rose didn't know a lot of things about Lana except some information Kit told her. But she saw her leave with him.

The next day sister Rose pasted in front of one of the cellule. It was like a nightmare, she was reliving that horrible day when her brother died. The light, the sound, everything was the same except it wasn't her brother, this time it was this girl.
Sister Rose opened the door as fast as she could and saw her, the girl Kit always talked about, Grace... Both screaming, sister Rose took her and told her it was gonna be alright but a second later she was gone. Near the cellule Dr Arden heard something and came to see if everything was fine.
"What is going on here ?"
"Gace, she disappeared." Said sister Rose.
"I see"
The conversation ended there.

Later sister Rose went to prepare herself to go to Oliver's house. On her ride in the taxi, she couldn't stop thinking about Grace, how she disappeared and that nobody could have done something.
The doorbell rang and Dr. Thredson arrived opening the door.
"Hi, I'm glad you came !" He said.
They went inside in the living room and Oliver proposed a drink to sister Rose.
"Thank you !"
"So when did you start being a sister at the asylum ?" Asked Oliver.
"The funny thing is that it was almost at the same time as you, I arrived a little before."
"And why did you become a sister there at the asylum ?" Continued Oliver.
"I wanted to help people and at the same time I could cook in sister Jude's kitchen."
Why did he find everything so interesting, questioned herself sister Rose.
"May I ask you the same question, Why did you came to this asylum to tread people ?"
"I was intrigued by this guy, Kit Walker and..." Said Dr. Thredson before getting cut.
"Did you know the police took him ?"
Oliver looked at sister Rose with a different face.
"I'm sorry, I was just wondering, I don't quite think he deserves to die... Has a sister we think every soul has good and can change" Explain herself sister Rose.
"It's alright, I believe the same as you."
Dr. Thredson who was on another couch went to the same as sister Rose to be closer. They both swallowed their drinks. It's at this moment that Oliver approaches his face to sister Rose's and gently puts his lips on her's. But didn't stay long because sister Rose got up fast and put her drink on the table before saying.
"I think it was a mistake that I came here."
"No, I'm sorry, I drank before you came. It's my fault !"
"I'm gonna go" Finished by saying sister Rose.

She took a taxi and went back to the asylum. Still shook by the event she went to bed. She didn't sleep well that night as well as the few nights after, since that day.

*Just to put in context, Dr. Thredson had Lana in his basement when sister Rose came to his house and all that story with Lana who is stuck there and then escape stay for the up chapters*

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