chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Sister Rose knocked on the door of Dr. Thredson office. He then opened the door for her.
"Oh, Hi what a surprise to see you !" First said Dr. Thredson.
"I didn't know you came back to the asylum, but I saw you and I'm glad you're back !" Reply sister Rose, her idea in her head.
"And, I'm sorry for the other night..." Apologize Oliver.
"No, no don't be sorry, I am sorry, I should have had a better reaction !"
"Oh I see, I-"
Dr. Thredson didn't have the chance to finish that sister Rose kissed him. And he kissed her back, but this time, sister Rose took out of her pocket an injection of sedation like Kit had. Oliver fell on his office floor and sister Rose the syringe in one of her hands, the smile on her lips, she walked out of Thredson's office closing it carefully.
The infirmary door opened and it was her, sister Rose and told Lana and Kit.
"Dr. Thredson is in his office, I injected him sedation. We need to attach him and I hope he'll confess."
"Wow, you're really impressive !" Said Kit.

They all walked carefully to Dr. Thredson's office, when sister Rose opened the door he was still on the ground. Kit took a rope and with the help of sister Rose they attached Oliver while Lana went to search a recorder.
Few minutes later they were all ready. Sister Rose told Lana and Kit she would try something with him. So they got back to the infirmary. When Thredson woke up sister Rose started.
"Hello Oliver !"
While trying to get out of the rope Dr. Thredson said.
"What do you want ?"
"I want nothing, I know everything !"
"Hum, yeah yeah, then tells me."
"I don't care about you being a monster, I still want you, know that, I just want the truth."
"You want me en ?
"Yes, but I need the truth out of your mouth before, what have you done ?"
Thredson told everything to sister Rose but most importantly it was all recorded, sister Rose needed to do it to save Lana and Kit. When he was done telling his story sister Rose went to stop the recorder and left the office with it.
"What, no no I thought you liked me !" Said Oliver.
"Who could like you ?" Replied sister Rose.
She got back to the infirmary and made Lana and Kit listen to the part he confessed.
"I'm gonna make you leave this horrible place, I'm gonna take you with me, I took a room in a hotel not far away and we are gonna be able to go to the police station with this." Showing the tape said sister Rose.
"No, I'll go alone to the station. Kit and you will go to the hotel. I'm gonna be fine." Respond Lana.
"It's alright with me" Agreed Kit.
"Perfect ! We are leaving tomorrow night, be ready, a cab will be there for us." Conclude sister Rose before leaving the infirmary.

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