Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

*Just to put in context: Dr. Arden (like in the season) had seen the aliens.*
Dr. Arden entered the infirmary and went straight to see Kit.
"Kit Walker ?"
"Yes it's me." Replied Kit to Dr. Arden.
"You need to come with me."
Arden took Kit's arm and dragged him to his lab. Arrived there Dr. Arden put Kit on the table telling him he needed to do an experience.
"I've saw them, those little green men you were talking about, and now I wanna know why, it all starts with you so there must be something. What have you done before Alma disappeared ?" Questioned Dr. Arden.
"We were making out." Said Kit.
"Same as Grace isn't it ?"
"I see, maybe there is a link..."
Dr. Arden took a moment to think before he continued talking.
"I'm gonna make an experience, if those aliens need you for some kind of thing, they wouldn't let you die."
"So you're gonna kill me ?" Asked Kit suspicious.
"In some way yes, I'm gonna inject you something to kill you and another one to make you come back. Do you accept ?"
"Yes, I guess."
Dr. Arden then asked Kit to lay down while he injected the product. Few seconds later, the light and the sound that Arden had already felt and saw were back, it worked. But Dr. Arden didn't want to tell Kit. However it didn't go as Dr. Arden planned. While he was out of the lab to follow the sound sister Rose saw and heard the light and the sound.
"Kit ? Kit !"
Sister Rose shaked Kit, trying to wake him up. Dr. Arden arrived a few seconds later and punched sister Rose.
"What are you doing here sister ?"
"I saw this boy on the table !"
"Pack up I need to injected this"
Kit gasp and lift his top body from the table.
"So did it work?" Asked Kit.
Sister Rose was about to say something when Dr. Arden looked at her and said.
"No nothing happened actually."
"Oh I see so nothing to worry about ?"
"I don't believe so... Now you can get back to your bed."
Kit went back to the infirmary but sister Rose stayed to talk to Dr. Arden.
"What was that ?" Asked sister Rose.
"Well I'm sorry for that sister but I'm gonna need to make you forget that."
Dr. Arden injected something into sister Rose that made her forget what she saw in the lab and he took her out of the lab.
Sister Rose then looked around before going to Dr. Thredson office for what she was gonna do earlier.

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