Chapter 3

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"JACK PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed as Jack picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder on our way into school.

"You gotta say the magic words Jessie Bear." He hummed, using his new nickname for me.

"ABRAH KADABRAH" (a/n: I probably spelt that wrong oops) I screamed again, although I was giggling I was not having fun.

"Nope, you gotta say 'Jacky is my favorite person in the whole wide world and I love him more than anyone'" He said, like a little kid.

I saw Sam, he was staring at us with his fists clenched. He seemed angry, but I don't understand why, I mean I'm the one being held over someone's shoulder against her will.

"Jacky is my favorite person in the whole wide world and I love him more than anyone, now pleaseeee put me down!" I screeched.

He did as I said, and grinned at me once I got back down onto my feet. Sam was still staring, no, now he was glaring at not me, but at Jack.

"Jess, can I talk to you for a minute?" Sam said, staring into my eyes.

"Sure, Samuel." I smirked and followed him back toward his car.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked.

"Do you like Jack? I mean it seems like you do, and it seems like he likes you too, and I saw the way you looked at each other, and you can tell me-" I cut him off from all his rambling.

"Easyyy Samuel, this isn't 20 questions buddy. No I don't like Jack. I mean, I don't know. I might. I just met him, I don't know how I feel about him but I really like being best friends with him. Why?" I questioned him this time.

"I- well.. Why don't you act that way around me?" He asked quietly, looking down at the ground.

"Act what way?" I asked, confused.

"I don't know. You just are always laughing and smiling with him and I want to make you laugh and smile like that." He said, looking up and into my eyes.

This was getting a bit strange, and he was getting closer to me as he spoke, closing the space between us.

"Sam. I've only been here a week, and Gilinsky was the first person I spoke to, the first person who befriended me. I laugh and smile because of you all the time, why are you acting like this?" I asked him, moving away slightly.

"I just want you and I to be as close as you and Jack, thats all." Sam said softly, moving closer again.

"Well we can try to work toward being that close I guess." I reasoned, realizing we need to be to our next class in 5 minutes.

"We can ditch 1st, no big deal." Sam said and he stared at me for a few minutes, as if he read my mind.

"What?" I asked, self consciously.

"Can you do something for me?" He asked.

"Like what?" I asked, confused again.

"Let me-" He began, but was cut off by the bell, signaling we had to be to first period.

"Ugh, FUCK!" he mumbled, as I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion.

"Er- I- Well I'm gonna go to first, you comin'?" I asked, my eyebrows still furrowed.

He nodded his head, and we began walking.
"Where were you guys during homeroom?" Maddi asked, and Tatum and August smirked.

"Um.." I trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"I asked Jess if she wanted to chill soon and then we just talked." Sam said, and I smiled at him, relieved that he had a believable excuse.

"Jessieee Bearrr.." Jack pouted as he came up and wrapped his arms around me. Sam was staring with his jaws clenched, and the girls were watching us, somewhat intrigued.

"Jackyyyy.." I wrapped my arms around him too and kissed his cheek, making him tighten his grip.

"I missed the shit out of you during homeroom. It was so boring, where were you?" Jack asked, laying his head on my shoulder.

I ran my fingers through his hair with one hand and took a sip of my water with the other.

"Sammy and I were talking." I replied, using Sam's excuse.

Jack lifted his head off my shoulder and unwrapped his arms as he took them off my waist.

"You ditched homeroom? With Sam? Just to talk?" Jack asked, seeming bewildered.

"Yes, she did. Is there a problem dude?" Sam asked, wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

Sam's POV:
"Nah bro. Just didn't seem like something Jessie would do, thats all." Jack answered me, and Jess smiled at him.

For fucks sake. Why is she smiling at him, I have to do something to make her focus on me.

"Jess, I actually wanted to ask you something." I said, silently clapping for myself as I gained her attention.

"Hmm?" She asked, looking at me, as did everyone else.

"Wanna go out sometime? To um.. To the movies or something?" God, that came out so stupid. Why does she make me so nervous?

"Awh! Is Samuel asking me out on a date?" She giggled, hugging me.

God, I love the sound of her giggling, I love her smile, I love the feeling of her arms around my neck, I love the smell of her perfume, I love everything about this girl.

"Yes, I am." I grinned at her, noticing that Jack's jaw was clenched and the girls were cooing about how adorable Jess and I are.

"Well, I'd love to go on a date with you Sammy." She said, and I couldn't help but kiss her cheek.

She turned red and smiled, and I heard everyone around us gasp, then the girls started cooing and 'awh-ing'

Jessie's smile faded once she saw Jack get up and leave, and although she called after him, he kept walking until he was out of the cafeteria and most likely, out of the school.

"Hey Sammy..." Jess said, and I immediately looked at her.

"Yes Jess?" I asked.

"What'd you have to ask me earlier?" She asked, making sure the girls weren't listening.

They weren't.

"Ahh it was nothing, I just wanted to ask you if you could... Er- Um.. tutor me in math..?" I drifted off. God what a stupid lie.

"Oh, okay." She grinned and began to finish her lunch.

I just stared at her after that, out of the corner of my eye. Admiring how beautiful she really is.

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