❁ We Need A Resolution ❁

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Issa what? Issa double update! Enjoy!

🎶 Here's the money
Or maybe you ain't used to me
Cause you was depressed
And now you abusing me 🎶

Chapter Eight

"Now I know you probably don't want to hear this but, I don't know, Acacia." Ariella had told her sister, rubbing her back. "Don't you think you're being a little bit too hard on this girl?"

Solana had just stormed upstairs with Jordan Francis chasing after her.

Jordan Francis had explained to all of them that Solana had lied about everything, which she was supposed to do herself although she was too petrified to do so.

Even though Ariella and Raymond had taken things the right way, Acacia didn't and it had all made sense as to why her name was Acacia.

Acacia meant a thorny tree.

She was very thorny, most especially to a girl she barely even knew to begin with.

"I agree," her husband Raymond had agreed. "And take this from your husband and sister. You can't judge someone you don't really know that well."

"Oh be quiet you guys. Solana isn't good news."

Ariella wanted to know why.

Why wasn't she good news?

And if she didn't want her and Jordan Francis to get married approximately one year and two months back then why didn't she say anything?

"I didn't want to make a scene at the wedding."

"Sooo, it wasn't okay for you to make a scene at the wedding, but it was okay for you to make a scene now?" Raymond had summed up. "Unless you tell us why you don't like Solana, then we can't exactly say that we're on your side."

There was a very valid reason as to why Acacia didn't like Solana.

She was just too embarrassed to say it.

It made her feel worthless, and no she wasn't jealous.

Acacia sighed.

"Solana... the reason why I don't like Solana?"

"Yes. What about it?" Ariella asked kindly.

It was hard for her to say but she did it.

The reason as to why Acacia didn't like Solana was because she had reminded her of the woman that her first husband had cheated on.

Raymond had already known about her first husband because if he didn't then that would have most definitely caused some questions here to be asked.

But he had absolutely no idea that he had cheated on her, and same with Ariella here too otherwise neither of them would have looked so shocked in the first place.

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