❁ What Are Roommates For? ❁

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🎶 It is wild
All them days that I reminisce
About the way I use to kiss them pretty lips 🎶


Chapter Thirty Three

As soon as Severin had left the altar, more than enough people had decided to talk about what had just happened.

He had left the altar in the first place after singing one of the songs from Serayah's favourite TV show Empire, when she was still alive anyway.

"It appears that Severin has left the altar."

"Yeah, no kidding, Enrique. Thank you, captain obvious." Someone from the audience had stated, with Enrique being the funeral director for the whole thing.

Dang, being a funeral director must have downright sucked.

That was probably one of the most depressing jobs to exist, or if not then the most depressing job to exist.

Every day, they had just heard about people's deaths, if any. Layla Grace would have probably lost her will to live by now if she had ever had that job.

Either way, as Jordan Francis, Katari and DeVante had gone to try and talk to Severin, Serayah's mother Gloriana wanted to know what Layla Grace didn't follow them.

"They seem to have it under control."

"You're his sister," Gloriana had reminded him, with Layla Grace just sighing. "And I know you're mad at him because he's kind of the reason why Serayah died in the first place but you can't just leave your family like that. You get where I'm coming from?"

Layla Grace had just slouched in her seat, shrugging.

"His roommates from the retreat have already gone to talk to him but I don't even know where he went off to. Three people are already trying to comfort him. He really doesn't need a fourth person. I'm telling you, aunty."

Severin hated being the centre of attention.

That was why he didn't really like posting on Instagram, only doing so in the first place because surprise surprise, Serayah here had forced him to do so.

Okay but if you want to post something, can we at least disable comments? I don't want no controversy up in here.

Nuh uh, Sev! Serayah had argued back when they had this conversation a few months ago. How the heck will we know if our post is popping? How will we know what people have to say?

Anytime we post something and you ask for people's honest opinions, and they tell you it... you get offended. Harsh but truthful. The truth hurts.

She didn't say anything for the longest time, making Severin think that he had won the conversation until she replied to him once and for all.

That was the old Serayah. Not the new Serayah!

Yes and not the dead Serayah either.

The real reason as to why Layla Grace was so reluctant to talk to her brother wasn't because she didn't care but was because she didn't always know how to comfort Severin.

Half of the time he didn't want comforting as he would have just rather dealt with his problems himself.

Other times he did, and Layla Grace didn't always know which one he wanted as he wasn't always explicit with it, not even when she had asked him.

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