❁ Help Me Now, Else I'm Taking You Down ❁

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🎶 Anytime we together feel so right (So right)
You the girl I been lookin' for my whole life 🎶

Chapter Twenty One

•Severin's Dream (although it actually happened - he just kept replaying it in his mind at night)

I don't know what they want from me
It's like the more money we come across
The more problems we see

I don't know what they want from me
It's like the more money we come across
The more problems we see

"Here's your Chardonnay, just as you requested," Severin told Solana, pouring it into a glass and she thanked him.

It was about 3:30AM in the morning yesterday, with Severin and Solana spending the night together in the sitting room.

They were watching music videos from an old school music station on TV and now they were playing More Money, More Problems by The Notorious BIG.

They had been doing so a lot lately over the past few days, as in spending a lot of time together in the sitting room.

This was because both of them were suffering from insomnia so they had therefore found it hard sleeping.

Solana had commented about how good the drink was with Severin smiling, then she switched off the TV.

"You know, Severin, I never thought that we'd have so much in common," she confessed to him. "We both love getting tipsy. We have the same music interests. Sometimes I wonder how I ended up with Jordan Francis and not you."

Severin had stared at her blankly, not saying anything.

He wasn't frowning though.

But he wasn't smiling either.

Solana had realised what she had said, freaking out.

"Shoot! Did I just say that out loud?"

"Nah, it's fine," he chuckled. "I was actually thinking the same thing strangely enough."

He didn't seem too happy after he had said that even though it was kind of true.

Solana had realised the sadness in Severin's eyes, becoming concerned about his well being almost immediately.


He didn't take his eyes off of her.

"Now that we're alone because everybody else is sleeping - can I.. can I ask you something?"

He didn't reply for a long time.

But then he nodded.

"Are you happy?"

He titled his head to the side and stared at her again.

"In what context?"

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