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Helena and Mark walked into the hospital, smiles on their faces as the girl sipped on her coffee

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Helena and Mark walked into the hospital, smiles on their faces as the girl sipped on her coffee. Her other hand was interlocked with Mark's, swinging them in her characteristic way.

"But we're not telling everyone yet, right?" The man asked, making Helena nod.

"Well, yeah. Not yet because I have to tell my family first and I don't wanna do that because then my mother will try to kill you." She explained, nonchalantly.

"K-kill me?" Mark choked on his coffee, the the couple stepping into an empty elevator.

"I mean, you know how overprotective she can be. She like you but, still, she always said I should finish residency first. So, yeah, kill you." Helena giggled. "But, anyway, I've already told Meredith so you can tell Derek. I'm also telling Cristina but she's good with secrets, so it's not a problem. And I want to tell Lexie but I can't cause she can't keep the rambling in control. So you can only tell Derek."

As they got off of the elevator, however, the couple froze in front of a TV, a small crowd around it as they heard the news.

"There had been a major Seattle area shooting. We have reports that a gunman has opened fire on students and faculty." The news anchor spoke, Helena taking her hand to her mouth at the news.

At what they heard, the couple's hearts sank. Helena was starting to feel the same terror that she had felt that day gripping at her guts, a tear rolling down her eyes as her lip trembled. As for Mark, he recognized the same sinking feeling of when he though he'd lost his wife coming back.

Mark pressed her a little tighter to his side, Helena extending her hand to grab Lexie's, who sobbed beside her. This was gonna be a tough day.


At the ambulance bay, Mark and Helena stood next to each other, finding comfort in the feeling of their touching sides, as Owen spoke.

"There are 15 ambulances on the way, maybe more to come. The first one is three minutes out."

As he finished, the doctors outside of the ER were eerily quiet, the sounds of the trauma gowns ruffling and Lexie and April's occasional sniffles being heard.

"People..." The Chief started. "People, our own trauma is fresh and we are gonna have feeling today, there is no shame in that. What I wanna say is, what we went through six months ago they are going through right now. Which makes them our brothers and sisters. Which makes them fellow travelers. Which makes them our own. So to the very best of our ability we are gonna do our work first and we are gonna have our feelings later."

At a small, upset noise that Lexie let out, Mark and Helena turned around, along with Owen.

"Grey?" The ginger asked.

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