Cherish this moment

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Kaneki's POV

I was with Hide in the nursery as I watched as Hide made silly faces at the infant as she gurgled at him and showed a toothless smile. Until Annie decided that Historia needed fresh air and so we all went outside.

The kids and Annie sat on the grass by the tree we always sat at, They were making flower crowns while Historia was on a blanket, on her back as stared up into the sky and tried to reach for the butterfly flying close by.

Me and Hide watched them from afar until Hide spoke up.

" Kaneki is there something going on," he said still looking at them as I looked at him with a surprised face.

"what do you mean Hide," I said gaining my composure again, but it was too late Hide then turned to me with a serious face a face that Hide never showed me.

" when you were looking at that picture you looked at it crying and I understand if it was a beautiful moment but every time you looked at your kids you always have a guilty face or you'd go into a sad mood," he said.

I looked at him shocked I'm not gonna even lie to him he would have noticed I was gonna say something but instead looked down.

I felt his hand on my shoulders and I looked up at him with a stressed-out face as his face showed a look of worried.

" if you want to talk you know I'm here" and I nodded

and right after that, I felt streams of tears run down my face.

I wiped my tears and went to Annie with a smile I kissed her lips and gave the kids a kiss on their forehead and kissed Historias chubby cheeks and told them I was gonna talk with Hide for a while.

they nodded and went back to making their flower crowns. I and Hide walked into the forest in silence till I spoke up.

" Touka had my child" I confessed looking straight ahead as I kept on walking not having the courage to look at Hide.

I heard him stopped in his tracks.

" Kaneki what do you mean Touka had your child" Hide said as I felt his stare on me.

"I'm sorry," I said before breaking into tears.

I felt arms around me when I looked up it was Hide, I slowly hugged back and told him everything.

" so you have another child that you didn't want" hide asked looking down.

"yea" I muttered under my breath.

" Kaneki I'm gonna visit Touka and talk this out," he said.

before I could say anything he spoke up.

" Kaneki spend more time with your family right now, I understand things may be hard right now but don't abandon your family, plus Historia, Ray, Normand Mikasa need their father, ok," he said.

I looked at him with a soft smile and nodded as we made our way back to the house. Hide left telling the kids that he had business to attend to.

After walking Hide to the door I back to my family outside and helped made flower crowns for each other, telling Hide about what's going on made me felt a little bit better.

After some time we all put the crowns we made for each other and even a little one for Historia, I smiled at my family's smiles a truly genuine smile not a sad or strained one.

I smiled and pushed away from the fact that I would have to come clean to Annie one of these days, the thing is that I don't want that day to come but I will cherish every moment with my family.

I smiled and pushed away from the fact that I  would have to come clean to Annie one of these days, the thing is that I don't want that day to come but I will cherish every moment with my family

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