The Mystery baby

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(Authors POV)

Kaneki stood in front of RE hands covering his wife's face as Ray opened the door for them to walk in Mikasa following behind with a smile with Norman beside her holding his now awake little sister his face also had a smile on it.

The Family walked in and Kaneki started to count down as the others got ready.

"3.......2.......1" and with that, he put his hands down as the friends turned on the lights and shouted.

" surprise!" with party pooper pooping.

Annie looked at her group of friends surprise as kaneki stood beside her saying,

" Happy birthday!" with a bright smile.

Itori made her way over Annie and flung her arms over her shoulder saying.

" It's like it was yesterday when you were stabbing out human intestines now you're turning 28 and already have 4 kids, you're making me feel old" while fake crying.

The blond merely chuckled at the red-haired woman as all their other friends came to wish her a happy birthday.

Now they were all sitting at a table talking, drinking and eating, and giving speeches. Itori was busy pampering the blond infant, not paying attention to anything else.

Annie felt a tug on her dress, When she looked down it was her eldest daughter. Annie excused herself from their conversation to listen to what she wanted to say.

"Mom, I need to use the restroom," she said to her mother, Annie nodded and held her daughter's hands in hers as she went upstairs to get her to the restroom.

Mikasa did her business and came out but Annie too felt the need to use the restroom.

"Mika stay here for a while. I need to use the restroom" she said and Mikasa nodded with an 'mmh' as if to say yes.

(Mikasa's POV)

While mom was in the restrooms I heard sounds of wailing but ignored them. but then it went on so I chose to follow it.

I followed the sound to Aunty Touka's bedroom and the door was slightly opened. I Knocked on it but got no answer so I went in.

Walking into the room I realized there were baby bottles and diapers then spotted on the bed a group of pillows were placed at the edge it the same thing mom does when she lets historia sleep on her bed she said it's there in case she rolls she won't fall off.

I walked closer to the bed and there was a baby that had black and white hair and purple eyes that were crying tears.

I made my way over to her and stuck my hand out to her and she slowly reached for it and grabbed and her cries turned into little giggles.

'Who's baby is this and why is she up there alone' I thought.

"She kinda looks like papa," I said to myself.

(Touka's POV)

I excused myself from the table to go check on Ichika. The beautiful child I had with Kaneki I know that I used to be jealous but now that has turned into pure hate. She needs to leave so I can have kaneki to myself then we can have a wonderful family.

Making my way to my room I saw the door opened wider than usual and it made me scared. Kaneki, Hide, and Ayato or downstairs the only ones that know about Ichika. And everyone else is too except.

"Annie and Mikasa," I said to myself wide-eyed. I stepped in front of the already opened door with caution as I looked over the bed where I left her.

but to my luck it was Mikasa and I put a smile on and approached her. I rested my hand on her shoulder and she took her hand away from Ichika, it looked like she was playing with her.

" Aunty Touka," she said with her bright smile that looked like kaneki.

"Mikasa, what are you doing in here?" I said to her. she looked back at Ichika and said.

" I heard her crying while waiting for mom"

And I ruffled her hair "thank you for that" I said.

she simply just nodded but then asked.

"Aunty Touka, who's baby is it, it kinda looks like papa"

and I smiled " it's mine, she's adorable isn't she," I said taking up Ichika to feed her.

Mikasa sat beside me as she watched.

(Author's POV)

Touka was so caught up in the moment that she didn't notice that a blond woman was entering the room.

" Mikasa there you were, I was looking for you all over," Annie said entering the room.

This made Touka shocked and hurley stood up with the infant in her arms as Mikasa was surprised.

" sorry mommy I heard crying and came to check" she replied to her mother, sliding off the bed.

" It's ok," Annie said, letting out a small sigh then turning to Touka.

" Who's the baby?" she said walking over to her where Touka only had mixed feelings.

She could be happy because she could break up Kaneki and Annie right now or guilty because she had a baby with her best friend's husband.

" I-i this is-Ummm," she said stumbling on her words.

" This is Aunty Touka's baby mommy" Mikasa answered with a bright smile.

Annie smiled at Touka because of this information.

"Is that so Touka thought you didn't want to have children?" Annie asked a smirk plastered on her face.

" u-uh yea," she said.

Annie stood in front of Touka as she reached out.

"may I hold them," Annie said, not knowing what the baby looked like because Touka hid the baby in her neck and used a blanket to cover her head so her hair wouldn't be noticed.

Touka hesitated but handed her the child with a smile on her face. At this point, Touka just wants Kaneki to herself.

" She has your eyes," she said, smiling down at the infant who gurgled and giggled in her arms.

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