Chapter 3~

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Chan's POV~

Her warmth. 

Its all I can think about. The way she smiles and laughs. The way her hair falls around her face, framing her cheeks in an adorable way. The way her eyes light up at any interest.

Whenever she's happy around the rest of the pack, I want to pull her away from them and keep her to myself. Its selfish.

But as the alpha of the Stray Kids clan, I cant help but yearn for her to be my queen. To rule over the pack by my side. To run with us through the trees during the night and bound across fallen branches and streams.

And this is the part where the truth hits me. She can never know about us. She's human, that's clear. If she were part wolf like me she would've smelt it on me.

I cant let her find out. My human emotions have already gotten in the way, the damage has been done. 

Now all that's left to do, is make her forget me.


Chan hasn't contacted me since we went to the movies. 

I still hear wolves howling at night, but it seems sadder now.

I don't know, I'm probably looking into it to much. But his absence leaves my chest aching and my mind blurry.

I want to see him again, heck I miss the whole group.

My stomach grumbles loudly, calling me off the couch and to my kitchen. But the grumbling only gets louder at the unveiling of my empty fridge.

"Shit, I forgot to go shopping yesterday." I close the fridge with a huff and angrily stalk upstairs to my room.

I quickly changed into the first outfit I found and rushed out the door to end my hunger.

I quickly changed into the first outfit I found and rushed out the door to end my hunger

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What your wearing~

I decide to walk to the convenience store, seeing as its only a 5 minute walk. I reach the foggy glass doors and stop.

"Felix!" I sprint inside towards Felix, who's browsing through instant ramen. He hears me call his name and flinches, but pays me no attention.

I put my hand on his shoulder, "Hey Felix its been a while. How is everyone?"

His eyes widen with shock as he steps back. "I'm sorry, I don't know how you know my name but I don't know who you are." With a polite smile and a nod of the head he walks away with 8 instant ramens shoved into a shopping bag.

I follow him with my eyes until he gets to the counter.  A man with a black beanie and black facemask walks up and greets Felix with a handshake.

Felix whispers something to the man and nods his head in my direction before walking out of the shop with the shopping bag in hand.

The strange man locks eyes with me for a split second before racing after Felix. 

That guy must be friends with Chan and his friends. But that was really weird. The way that man looked at me, almost like he knew me. His eyes were filled with love and fear and shock.

~Timeskip brought to you by "mY cHeEsE sTiCk"~

I dashed to the fridge and grabbed the carton of milk.

In my haze after my conversation with Felix, I hadn't realised that I grabbed the spicy Korean ramen.

The cool beverage slid down my throat, numbing the fiery pain of the spice.

I put the carton back in the fridge and reclaimed my spot on the couch, pressing play on the movie I was watching.

My mind drifted as the movie played. Why did Felix act like that towards me? Why was he whispering to that strange man, and did what he say involve me? When did he-


I was cut off by the sound of the wolves yet again. Almost every night at the same time the howl echoes throughout the streets. Waking most neighbours up and ultimately, interrupting my me time.

By now I was starting to get really pissed at the noise. Before I could pause my movie more wolves joined in creating a chorus of howls. I jumped off the couch and marched to the window, peering out at the forest. The howls stopped almost a minute before Chan and his friends ran out of the forest.

I watched them jump over their back fence, covered in dirt and; wait was that BLOOD??

The sight of the boys left me frozen in fear. What have they been up to?

I silently prayed that they weren't behind the noise as I chucked on my runners and jogged outside. 

I am going to find out what they were doing in the forest, and why Felix acted like he didn't know me. No matter what I have to do.

Baby Girl~ (Bang Chan x Reader FF)(werewolf AU)Where stories live. Discover now