Chapter 8~

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I woke up to the sound of light snores against my shoulder. Chans arms loosely hang around my waist. I adjusted my position so I was facing Chan, his face peaceful and calm. A small smile spread across his lips and his eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Morning my love." I felt a smile grow on my face. "Morning." His voice was rough and deep, seeing as he only just woke up. "Did you sleep well love?" A blush crept up my cheeks as I answered. "Yeah, did you?" He nodded before pulling me into a warm hug, my face pressed lightly against is chest.

I pulled away and looked at him. "Chan, you know I love you right? And you know I wouldn't want you to do anything that you don't want to do." 

His facial expression became weary. I watched his eyebrows furrow and his lips turn down into a small frown. "Ok, what is it that you want me to do?"

My gaze went down towards my hands as I sat up on his lap. My fingers began to fidget as I strung together a sentence in my mind. "I have been thinking about this for month and I think I'm might maybe want-" "Y/N stop procrastinating." 

His large hands held my cheeks, pulling my face up until I was looking at his beautiful eyes. "Whatever it is that you want to ask, don't be afraid. I'm positive I wont say no." A small smile lit up the room and he let go of my face. My hands continued to fidget but my eyes stayed on his.

"I want you to turn me."

"no." No? What does he mean no? "You told me you wouldn't say no." I got up off his lap. I stood in the doorway to the front door. "Look I'm sorry. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. Thanks for letting me stay over last night."

I turned around and left the house. Walking up to my front door I realised I left the door unlocked. I walked inside putting the keys on the hook at the door and silently padding down the hall into the kitchen. I was met with absolute chaos.

Tables were tipped over, chairs thrown around. My cupboard door was ripped off the hinges, all the food littering the floor.

I gasped at the sight before hearing a low growl coming from my bedroom. I slowly snuck up to the door, grabbing a chair leg that had been ripped off on my way. Peeking inside I saw my lamp on and a dark figure standing over my bed.

His hands held a small piece of fabric, my shirt that I wore to bed the other night. I watched as the figure lifted the cloth up to his nose, breathing deeply, and then putting it back down on my dimly lit sheets. 

Suddenly, its head shot up towards my direction, a wide grin spreading across its face.

I screamed and ran towards the front door, avoiding the trashed up kitchen. My hand reached towards the door but I was pulled down before I could touch it. My nails dragged against the carpet as I was pulled back towards my bedroom. I was pinned to the floor by the guy who attacked me. At least I think its a guy. 

I struggled against his grip until a bang sounded out in the room. A stinging sensation spread throughout my arm and spread to my whole body. I felt like I was dyeing. I screeched in pain and tried to grab my arm. 

Small dots began sparkling around the edge of my vision, pulling this darkness with them. Before I could wrestle the guy off of me, another hand grabbed my hair and pulled my head back. The girl, again I thinks its human, held a large needle filled with a strange liquid. She injected it in the side of my neck causing the pain to be replaced with numbness and my eyes to slowly droop until I was swallowed by darkness.

~slight time skip brought to you by Bang Chan from straya~

Chan POV

10 minutes since she left. Since the love of my life left the house, disappointed in me. 10 minutes since I told her no. I don't want her to be in that much pain, to have to abandon her family.

"You should go after her Chan." Felix's deep voice sounded from behind me, his hand gently grasping my shoulder. "She needs you. I know you don't want to do it but-" "How much did you hear." I turned to face him. "Felix how much of that conversation did you hear?"

His eyes looked down awkwardly. "Only the part where she asked you to turn her." A sigh escaped my mouth. "I'm not mad. Your right. I should-"


Felix's head whipped toward the front window, and so did mine. "That sounded like Y/N!"

We rushed out the house before Felix stopped just outside Y/N's house. "What is it?" He lifted his nose in the air and breathed in deeply. "There's another wolf here." His voice came out in a low growl, almost a whisper. He sounded like Satan himself.

Another scream echoed from the house, but this time it sounded like she was in pain. The scream seemed almost cut short as it abruptly stopped.

"We have to save her." I looked towards Felix and he nodded.

We cautiously approached the front door but had to run to hide around the corner when it opened.  One of BM's loyal followers, J.Seph walked out  followed by Jiwoo. J.seph had a gun in his hand with strange bullets in it while Jiwoo carried a small limp figure. The figure twitched every now and then as it was carried to the end of the street. Jiwoo placed the figure into the back of a large white van with scratch marks running along the side of it.

"That's her." I sprinted up the street blinded by rage just as the van sped off down towards the forest. Before I could continue the chase, three strong sets of hands held me back.

"Felix get off me I have to save her. They want her Felix, let me go!" Felix pushed him to the ground until he was sitting  in front of him. "Chan we need a solid plan. We can find addresses and figure out how to save her. But you cant go being reckless like that."

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I stared into the distant forest, watching the van disappear behind the trees. The other two guys holding me back let go as I collapsed into Felix's arms.

How could they take her from me? I just got her and now she's gone.

Baby Girl~ (Bang Chan x Reader FF)(werewolf AU)Where stories live. Discover now