Chapter 2

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Jenna was sitting across from the principal."So Miss Sommers how can i help you?"

"I want my niece to be homeschooled." She knew that this was what was best for Elena, it would be better if she was at home.

"And why would that be."

"Because she's pregnant." Jenna crossed her arms. She knew that this wasn't normal but not everyone knew of the supernatural. So she could only tell him so much.

"So because your niece is pregnant I must change her to homeschooling."

Now he was starting to get on her nerves."Well she did passout at school today. And her doctor said she needed to do it from home. She has lost her birth mother birth father and both adoptive parents and still kept up her grades. Still stayed in school. She ran out of her class to puke and then needed to be rushed to the hospital. She has been going through a lot mentally and physically. So do i need to file a report with the sherriff. Who has seen what my niece has been through. Doctor fell suggested homeschooling and i completly agree." She was not going to let him do this. She wasn't going to make her niece stay in a school with teens who would look and stare at her on top of everything else.

"If she's early in her pregnancy there is no need for her to be at home until the next year."

"My neice is whats called, A HIGH RISK so we can arrange something or i can get you arrested. Or call Dr. Fell Your pick." She knew that Meredith scared a lot of people and didn't think that he wanted to be arrested.

"I am sure my falculty would be ok with providing work for your niece. There is no reason to get the sheriff or Dr. Fell involved."

"I won't lie to you she's entering her Senior year next year i don't think she'll be returning its may. Meaning her baby will be set to come November through the first week of January and then she will obvuiously need to stay the first few months baby's are supposed to get to know there parents in the first 6 months of there life. So more than likely she'll be homeschooling throughout the next two weeks and then the following year. To focus on herself and her baby."


"No buts my niece is high risk. Stress is caused by a lot of things school, teenagers in general are assholes, and i will not let her deal with it understand or do i need to get sheriff forbes on the line."

"No mam i understand i will inform the faculty."

Jenna stood giving a light smirk. She was happy she hadn't have to make that call, and even better knowing that Elena was going to be home the duration of her pregnancy."Thank you for your corroperation its greatly appreaciated. I must be getting back to Elena." She turned and walked out.
Jenna was sitting at the counter with Jeremy when Caroline and Bonnie walked in Carrying bags."What are y'all eating" They sat the bags on the floor then walked closer to them.

"Elena said i could pick so i ordered Pizza she's asleep." Jeremy took a bite of the pizza and looked at the two girls curiously.

"Ok good can y'all come help us with bags." Caroline smiled.

Jenna gave the blond a questioning look, she didn't understand why Caroline would buy so much."What did you buy?"

"Come see." Bonnie sighed. They all went out to Caroline's car. Bonnie was still confused about what was going on."I don't get why we needed 1000's things of junk food."

"She's pregnant,"

"Oh. Wait what."

"It's to satisfy her cravings i also got lots of gatorade to hide the blood i got from Meredith."

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