Chapter 3

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Jenna was sitting on Elena's bed watching her pace. She hated that her niece was so worked up but there was nothing she could do about it."Whats wrong now your supposed to be on bed rest."

"I'm fine just trying to figure out how do you tell someone who told you Vampires can't procreate they got you pregnant." It sounded so ironic now. Him telling her they couldn't and now magically she was pregnant and she was freaking out.

"Who Stefan or Damon? Cause you have yet to answer that question Elena. Or was there someone else in the picture you have to tell me."

She started rambling she couldn't help it."I can't tell you not yet. I should probably tell him he's going to be a father. Even though its supposed to be impossible but hey everything becomes possible at one point right."

"Elena Caroline's coming by at lunch with the lesson plans. Get your car keys and you can drive there and tell him because he has to."  Jenna stood and walked over towards her Niece. She held her shoulders and looked at her face to face. "Alaric took off today he went to get food that Pizza almost made you hurl. And Caroline bought mostly snacks and maternity clothes. You need to calm down this isn't the end of the world."

"Are you sure?"

"Elena calm down this is not the end of the world. So what your young that doesn't mean a thing." Jenna needed to get her to calm down stressing wasn't good in the state that she was.


"Go Elena."


Elena grabbed a few things including a gatorade that had blood in it. She headed fror the Salvatore Boarding house. She seen Stefan's car but she honestly didn't care. It wasn't something that she could hide. She knew that she couldn't hide it forever, A bump would come in the signs are there. And honestly she didn't care how he reacted she just cared how everyone else reacted

She got out her car and went to the door. As usual the door was open. She slowly opened it she didn't want both of them to hear her. She seen Damon standing starring into the fire drinking.

"Damon." She spoke softly not trying to alert her former boyfriend of her presence. She needed to focus on one thing at a time.

He turned and looked at her."Are you ok? What happened yesterday?"

"Long story." She took a breath and walked closer. She was happy that he wasn't upstairs just in case she got the sudden urge to run out the house which was more of a possibility. "We need to talk."

"What's wrong, why are you pale."

"Thats what we need to talk about.and i need you not to yell at me." She took out the Ultrasound that had a note from Meredith on it and gave it to him. Then she started talking really fast. She didn't think she could say it any other way."Thats an Ultrasound and I'm five weeks I haven't been with a human since before my parents died. I have been puking blood for the last 2 weeks. I am now required by the crazy doctor to mix blood in my drinks. And passed out cause i hadn't for 2 weeks. I'm still on bedrest and if Meredith finds out i'm not she'll kill me." She finally took a second to catch her breath."What you d what with i just told you you choice I have to go" She turned around to run out.

Before he could say anything the door opened and Andy walked in."Hey Elena, aren't you supposed to be on bedrest your aunt said you weren't feeling good."

"I'm not." Her phone started ringing."I have to go bye." Elena ran out the door one of her ultra sounds fell out her bag but she hadn't noticed but Andy had. r

Stefan walked down."Was that Elena." He thought he heard her voice but didn't want to listen in knowing his brother could be with some girl.

Damon put the picture in his pocket."Yes and I have to go find Ric."

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