chapter 6

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Elena walked into the grill with Caroline after the two weeks at the Lake-house she was in a much better mood."So you invited Hayley and Katherine why?"

"Because were all pregnant so it serves us good being friends and Katherine and I are pregnant by brothers remember meaning that there cousins. So please Caroline."

"Fine. Only because i can't say no to you." Caroline put her hand on Elena's stomach."Your stomach is starting to come in. Its cute."

Elena slapped her hand away she wasn't ready for everyone else to see."Thats why i'm wearing a dress Caroline. Because i didn't want to wear sweats you little a-hole."

"Sorry my bad."

"Its not easily seen you have to know i'm pregnant really look to see it. So shut the fuck up. I don't want people trying to touch my stomach. Its my baby not theirs and if i don't know them they better not touch me."

"Oh Damon's at the bar and whose the blond chick that keps looking at him. Then glancing at the pool table." Caroline teased she knew it would get to her..

"I'm happy don't try to piss me off i know how to use a stake."

"Ok-Ok. Damn bitch." Caroline knew that Elena was sensititve but she didn't think that she was that sensitive.

Elena and Caroline walked over to the bar she really didn't want to have this argument with Caroline."Can we get two sweet tea's please."

"Coming right out."

Damon turned towards Elena."Someone's happy." He was surprised that she was in a good mood considering she hadn't been the last time that he seen her.

"Do you want me to yell at you again" Elena questioned. She knew that she scared him and he didn't want her to snap.

"Nope i'm good."


Caroline Elena and Damon looked at Rebekah. Who they didn't know but wanted to know how she knew what a doppelganger was."Who are you?"

"Rebekah Mikaelson. Klaus' sister. I'm on watch make sure evil witches don't come kill my niece."

Caroline looked at her she hadn't known Klaus was going to wake up all his siblings."I thought he was just waking up Elijah. Oh i'm Caroline."

"I'm Elena." She waved slightly she was a little surprised that Klaus woke up all his siblings.

Rebekah waved slightly shaking her head."Nope he decided he needed all three of us, if he wants to stay well witch/kidnap free and if your looking for Hayley and Katherine there at the pooltable. Hayley has been a little rude to the members of the household."

"Members of y'all there's a difference." Elena knew that if she was rude their was a chance it was well deserved.

"More my brother Nik he's keeping her in the house she doesn't like that. Katherine thinks i'm gonna kill her." Rebekah kind of did want to kill her but at the same time she guessed even katherine deserved redemption.

"Are you?" Caroline asked she knew that Katherine did probably deserve it after everything.

"Thinking about it? She did play my brothers and turn around and play 2 more." She didn't know what she wanted to do yet she would figure it out soon.

The waitor came over with there ice teas's."I'm going to go see them nice talking to you." She grabbed her drink and headed to the pool table.  She had more in common with them then anyone else.

While Elena was busy Caroline wanted to learn all that she could."You dated Stefan didn't you? It wasn't Katherine's fault. And there getting mighty close."

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