Chapter 7

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Elena was with Lexi who had agreed to take her to the school."So why didn't you want Caroline to come." Lexi was fine with taking her but she didn't get why she hadn't want Caroline to be the one to take her in the first place.

"Caroline has been wonderful but she has her own life that doesn't evolve around mine." She wanted Caroline to have a life of her own not be so caught up in hers she would not force that on her best friend ever.

"And i'm back to help you?" Lexi asked she knew that it was her job to make sure that Elena made it through her pregnancy and help her out.

Elena smiled and nodded Lexi was already back to keep her safe and she wasn't allowed to be alone so she was taking advantage of it"Exactly.

"Happy to help."

They walked in the school there were only kids doing make-up tests. She went and grabbed everything from her locker and then went to the office. When they walked in the secretary looked up at her."Miss Gilbert you can go right in he's expecting you."

"Thank you."

The two walked into the Principal's office. Liz and Carol were waiting in there along with the principal.

She was a little confused on why the two of them were here."Liz? Carol?"

Liz looked over to the two girls. A little shocked to see Lexi but she knew that Elena wasn't stupid to come with a homicidal vampire."Tyler and Caroline talked to us. And after Jenna told us what happened we thought to come talk to him ourselves. How are you? Caroline said you took two weeks to yourself to process." She knew that this must have been a lot for Elena finding out that she was pregnant especially at this young and because it was supposed to be impossible.

"I'm good." She truly meant it she was doing great she was happy that she was pregnant.

"So Mr. Howard would you like to explain the new arrangement that we decided to Elena." Carol asked she gave him the look that told him that he had no choice but to do what they wanted himto.

"Since you've stayed up on your classes for next year are already short so you can choose do you want afternoon classes or Morning classes."

"Afternoon." Lexi knew that when she did have the baby the morning was not going to be to her friend she turned towards Elena."Your going to need sleep."

"Afternoon." Elena agreed she knew that Lexi was right when the baby did come she was going to need all the sleep that she could get.

"So you already have your Ap English class which will be your first class. Your science class Trigomometry and you have one more class the principal opened her file. An Advanced writing classes. All of which you'll be working from Home. 12-4 each class would be an hour. It will be a virtual class so will just set up a webcam will set up an email where you can send all the work so you still get your credits."

"OK." She could tell that Liz and Carol pretty much forced this on him and she was happy that they were on her side.

"May i ask who is this."

"She's carrying my niece. I am a childhood friend of the father of her baby were like sister and brother." She smirked knowing how much of a lie that actually was. Most times her and Damon could not stand eachother but they did argue kike sister and brother that was for sure. Unless you count that they have slept together.

"I'll leave you four i should go make sure that make-up testing is going ok." He got up and walked out the office closing the door behind him.

"So how are you really feeling Elena." Liz asked she knew that she must have been going through a lot especially since she was having a vampire baby this couldn't have been easy for her.

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