Chapter 5

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"What are you talking about."

"You made a deal with Klaus?"

Elena took a breath."Damon tell you that?"

Jenna went and sat on the bed looking over at Elena."No Bonnie then Lexi and Katherine showed up." She didn't understand why she was doing that. Why she would make a deal with the person that killed her."I get your scared but making a deal with the person who drained every drop of blood out of you isn't the answer."

"Damon's upset, your disapointed Bonnie's angry. What is Alaric mad to." Tears started to well up in her eyes. She stared back out the window. She wasn't trying to upset them she wanted them all protected as Klaus' help was the only way that it was going to happen."I made the deal because for once Klaus the original hybrid was honest he hates Katherine and yet he's protecting her. If people argue with him he gets more upset. Hayley was sitting there yelling and testing him but he didn't rip her throat out. He brought Anna back, Hayley's sister and Lexi back from the dead. Thats a good deed in my book i'm sorry that its not in yours."

"Its not even about that Elena you slept with Damon Salvatore. Caroline knew Bonnie what about me?"

"Isn't Alaric my step-father. Aunt Jenna. You really are questioning my decisions."

"That is different and you know it. First how could you and second you knew you were pregnant before you got to that hospital. Why am i always the last to find out. You promised no more secrets  You told me there was nothing going on and then hours later your in the hospital because your pregnant. Your pregnant you are 17 a junior. A senior in a month you had a future you wanted to be a doctor side career as a writer and now your going to be a mother before you graduate high school. Do you understand why i'm worried."

"I am to Jenna." Elena wiped the tears coming down her face."I don't know what i'm supposed to do. I'm scared Its been two days Caroline's unusually protective Lexi is back Katherine is pregnant Klaus is nice. Bonnie is acting more lethal then usual. Stefan's angry but he's even angrier that we know he went and slept with Katherine. Damon's always been protective of me. Before i wouldn't have been a little upset if he died protecting.. But now i would be angry and even more upset and sad scared and he doesn't understand that. I can't raise a baby by myself if he's risking his life for me then who's protecting his. He doesn't get a choice in the deals i make anymore. When he's upset he flies off the rails."


"I'm scared this is supposed to be impossible and it happened and i don't know what to do. This hasn't been documented."

"Lexi said that Klaus has seen this before. That he was the one that started the rumors for Vampires to never risk it on that day."

Elena looked at her aunt confused."What does that mean."

"The symptoms are ten times worse not that your drinkingblood there coming in strong. By four months you'll be an emotional wreck."

"I'm sorry for disapointing you aunt Jenna."

"I am not disapointed in you i just want to help. I think you need to spend the next few days just to think and deal with this. You and Jeremy should go to the lake house so you can bond and just be."

"Are you sure thats a good idea." She didn't know if that was actually a wise idea of them to go.

"If anything happens someone can get there in under ten minutes it might be good for you two. You could finish your exams there."

Elena smiled and nodded."Thanks." She knew her aunt was right she was never going to get to process anything if she was stuck in this house and everyone was bugging her.
Elena was heading to the boarding house with Caroline before going to the Lake-house. She walked in and seen Andi on the couch drinking."Oh your here again. Damon's upstairs. Do you need something?" Elena glared at her she really wanted to kill her.

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