31: war.

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the next morning, jimin woke up early and made cheese sandwich then hot chocolate for himself. he already showered and he's now having his breakfast after writing on his diary.

he didn't got enough sleep last night and slept late. the reason? he's waiting for his crush, taehyung.

unfortunately, taehyung didn't show up last night and jimin slept alone.

it makes him so sad and he really miss taehyung already. he hopes to see the demon at school even only for one second.

when he's done eating, jimin grabs his bag that he have checked last night if his stuffs are still inside before he opens the door and went out.

there, he saw jungkook standing and waiting for him with his back resting on the wall and waiting for his best friend.

jimin smiles as he saw him and locks the door of his apartment before going to the older boy. "good morning kookie."

jungkook looks at him and gave him a short hug. "morning, minnie. ready to go now?"

"mhm." the younger nodded and they started to walk. they didn't bother to ride a cab since the school is only few blocks away.

when they arrived, jimin walked fast to reach their classroom and unfortunately, there's no sign of taehyung.

a sigh escaped his lips and he went to their chair with jungkook following behind him.

jungkook can tell that jimin is sad again because taehyung is not here and he promised to himself that he will make the poor boy happy later.

"taehyung, please don't do this."

"shut up namjoon." taehyung said and the demons started destroying heaven's entrance.

namjoon watched in horror as the demons did their work while taehyung only watches them with a satisfied smirk on his face.

it's been two days and tomorrow, hoseok will bring the potion to him.

it's really his final decision now that he will drink the potion.

"think about your brother, taehyung. he will get hurt." namjoon looks at satan who's beside him.

taehyung chuckles at what the demon just said. "did he thought of me when he defended you over his own brother who's been suffering until now, alone and unloved?" he looks at namjoon. "no."

namjoon sighed out. "i swear he cares for you. he just wants you be a good demo-"

"kim namjoon. a demon is not allowed to be kind to anyone. it's a sin to us and can kill us. i'm a demon and i don't want to be a good one. demons can't be nice." satan glares at him.

then, he enters the heaven with namjoon following behind him who can't do anything but to watch the angels get killed and shoved into a cage by the demons.

taehyung went straight to the throne place and there he saw god being surrounded by the angels to protect him.

"kim taehyung.." the god mumbles and taehyung smirked.

"it's been a while since.. you visited our kingdom and took my brother from me." he started.

"missed me? i was so young and dumb back then." he added, slowly walking on the carpet towards the throne.

"so innocent and little when you took my brother from me and never brings him back. remember that?"

the god only watched taehyung with frightened eyes with the angels still surrounding him.

"y-you don't understand-"

taehyung suddenly disappears then he appeared behind god and immediately grabs his neck, his nails slowly growing long.

the angels was about to save the god when they unfortunately got tackled on the ground by the demons.

"i will give you choices. die or live but you will be my slave." taehyung grinned and grips the god's neck, choking him.


"TAEHYUNG NO!" he heard a familiar voice shouted.

namjoon looks at his boyfriend with eyes full of worry. "n-no-"

"oh, my brother." taehyung chuckles and looks at his brother but still not letting go of god.

seokjin slowly went to the throne. "please.. let's talk about this instead."

"and then what? you're going to defend him instead of your own brother? huh?"

"no please. come here." seokjin opens his arms wide, ready to hug his younger brother.

taehyung gritted his teeth as he prevents the tears from falling down. seeing his brother doing this makes him weak. it's what seokjin always do when taehyung is sad or mad.

"stop. or i wil kill you too."

"i know you can't. we're still brothers, demon or angel. now, come here. i miss my brother." seokjin said with teary eyes.

taehyung shook his head and threw the helpless god on the floor, tears streaming down.

he really hates being soft when his brother is around.

seokjin is right, taehyung can't kill his own brother. after all, he's still the brother who took care of him when he's only an innocent little demon. the brother who never left his side and is been there, listening to him as he talks about the plants and animals he saw around.

the brother that he used to love.

"y-you don't understand, hyung." taehyung mumbles.

hearing the word 'hyung' from taehyung makes seokjin feel less scared.

"h-he's the reason why i was alone all these years. i was suffering and alone while you're here, having feast happily with them every single day! and now you're going to call yourself my brother?!" taehyung's eyes are now burning red.

"you didn't even bother to visit me."


"no. i found out the real reason why you're not visiting me and it's not because this stupid fucking god is preventing you. it's because you're enjoying here that you forgot about me and always being with this demon instead!" taehyung shouted, glaring at namjoon who looks down.

"and guess what? i still didn't killed him because he's the lover of my so called 'brother' so don't ever call me selfish because you're the real selfish here." he added.

taehyung went down the throne towards the carpet. "don't worry. i won't kill your god but.."

he looks around, seeing the angels. "all of the angels will be mine. if you will create a new one, bring them to me."

seokjin gasps and the god shook his head. "please no."

"shut up. and namjoon?"

namjoon immediately looks at him. "y-yeah?"

taehyung grins as he stared at the demon. "visit hoseok to make you an angel because i don't need betrayals in my kingdom." he said before flying away from heaven.

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