67: movie date.

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the bright light of the sun wakes jimin up by hitting on his face.

jimin lets out a soft groan and slowly opens his eyes. the pain between his legs immediately hitting him.

his cheeks turns crimson red as he remembers the scene earlier.

taehyung was so gentle and made sure that he wont hurt him and their child. just the thought of it makes jimin's heart melt.

the boy grabbed his phone to check the time and a gasp escaped his lips seeing it's already past noon.

he must've fell asleep earlier due to tiredness.

he also noticed that his body is already cleaned and he's wearing a pair of pajamas.

taehyung must've dressed him up.

jimin giggled and stood up slowly as he made his way towards the door while holding onto the walls, drawers and tables to support himself since his legs still felt jelly.

he went downstairs towards the kitchen and the scent of food immediately fills his nostrils.

it smells so damn good.

taehyung being the demon he is, noticed jimin's presence as soon as the boy stepped his foot on the kitchen floor.

"you're awake already." his deep voice boomed in the room.

the human flinched a little at the sudden voice as he's still sleepy while rubbing his eyes. besides, taehyung haven't looked at him yet so he wonders how the older noticed him without looking. maybe he made a loud noise as he walked in.

then it clicks him, he almost forgot that taehyung is a demon, a satan so he have great senses.

the said demon turns his head to look at the boy as he received no reply from him.

"what's wrong?" he asked, seeing jimin staring at him.

jimin blinks twice softly and shaked his head. he made his way towards his lover slowly and sleepily wrapped his arms around taehyung's waist.

"mm nothing." he answered.

"alright. im done preparing everything already." taehyung replied, setting the plate of fried dumplings that he learns from the internet on the table.

jimin looks at the table and saw that there's dumplings, kimchi, rice, a glass of milk and a cup of coffee.

"you.. made all of these?"

"no. i didn't." taehyung playfully rolled his eyes then chuckled afterwards. "of course i did."

the younger smiled widely then tiptoed to leave a soft peck on the demon's lips. "thank you, tae."

taehyung mentally choked himself to prevent himself from blushing. "no need to. i made milk for you cause you're a baby."

"hey!" jimin pouted but with his cheeks turning red.

the other laughed at his reaction. "i'm not sorry. let's go dig in now, hm?"

the human nodded as an answer and lets go from hugging the demon to sit on one of the chair with taehyung's help before they started devouring the simple meal.

"oh hey, baby watermelon." taehyung smirked.

jimin blushed and playfully hits the older's shoulder and sat down beside him on the couch.

"i told you to stop calling me that!"

"but i love it." the older stiffled a laugh.

after having lunch, the two decided to watch a movie together to kill some time.


"so, what do you want to watch?" taehyung grabbed the remote control.

"anything is fine."

"let's watch this movie that i saw in the internet then." taehyung said, scrolling down through the list of movies.

hearing the other's statement, jimin furrowed his brows together and snnugled closer to the demon. "what movie is it?"

the older smiled and plays a movie before putting the remote down on the table then wraps an arm around his lover.

"you'll see."

throughout the movie, jimin was just clinging to taehyung.

the movie isn't a scary one. its genres are mix of comedy and fantasy.

"hyeon jeong, i'm sorry. i love your mom."

"pfft." jimin giggled as he watched the movie while taehyung just stared at the tv screen with a blank expression, not even reacting to the movie.

the younger noticed it and he turns his attention to the older male. "what's wrong? you're not laughing or anything since earlier. it's a really funny movie."

taehyung blinks and looks down at his lover. "it's boring."

"what? how can you say that? it was so funny." jimin pouted and crossed his arms.

"i should've chose a horror one instead or something so erotic."

the human blushed as he heard taehyung's last words.

he can't imagine watching erotic scenes with taehyung even though they've done the same things already. it just felt different watching the same erotic things that they did, together.

"you're red. is something wrong?" taehyung asked, noticing the other's red cheeks.

jimin can't help but to blush even more and he looks back at the tv. "i-i'm okay."

taehyung smirked and rests his chin on the younger's shoulder. "or.. you liked what i said earlier?"

"w-what do you mean?"

"should i change the movie to a sexy one?"


the demon laughed, letting his lover hit him repeatedly.

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