54: cries.

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the four arrived inside hoseok's house and the wizard laid jimin down on the bed.

immediately, he rushes to get the stuffs he needs to treat the boy's wounds.

jimin lets out a sniffle and stared at the black feather on his hand. luckily, the feather didn't turn into ashes as it wasn't connected to taehyung's body anymore.

"t-tae said he will c-come back." he mumbles sadly and clutched the feather close to his chest.

jungkook sighs and sat on the chair beside the bed. "don't be sad. we all knew he's powerful so he will come back. i'm sure he knows that you're waiting for him."

"i am not really sure about that, jungkook. mr. kim is also powerful just like taehyung right now but he never resurrected again cause once someone successfully killed the satan, the position will be theirs." hoseok explained.

"can you not say that in front of jimin?" yoongi glares at hoseok, feeling so down because of taehyung's death.

hoseok started treating jimin's wounds. "i apologize."

"h-he will come back. h-he told me." jimin lets out a cry.

he doesn't want to believe what hoseok said. he knew taehyung will come back no matter what. taehyung is strong so he will be back.

jungkook felt bad seeing jimin cry out because of what happened. he never actually hates taehyung. he just doesn't like how the demon is with his best friend often.

and of course, he wants taehyung to come back. he knew that he finally have a chance to be jimin's boyfriend but jimin's heart will forever be in love with taehyung and also, he's slowly starting to move on.

yoongi sighed and went out of the house to smoke. he usually uses the cigarettes from earth because he doesn't like cigarettes of hell.

taking out the box, he took one cigarette out and lit it up with the lighter.

taehyung's death affects him a lot. they may be not that close to each other but he cares a lot for him. yes he do wants to experience being a satan but taehyung is the best one for it and will forever be.

taehyung will be his king or satan forever and no one can replace that.

as he was smoking, two angels suddenly appeared in front of him. he immediately recognized them and his heart starts beating fast at the sight of seokjin.

"oh yoongi. what are you doing here?" seokjin asks and folds his wings.

yoongi gulped and threw the cigarette on the ground then steps on it. "just visiting hoseok."

"so he's inside. we want to talk to him " namjoon walks forward towards the door.

"fuck. there's something you two need to know, especially you, seokjin." yoongi said.

the two stops walking and looks at him. "what?"

"taehyung is dead." he said without hesitation.

seokjin furrowed his brows, not really believing what the demon said. "what? taehyung can't die, yoongi. he's the satan."

"yes he fucking died. that demon with vampire blood killed him with a sword that a wizard made. it all happened earlier."

seokjin shook his head and slammed the dood open to enter the house.

the two men looks at him but jimin only keeps staring at the black feather and examining it.

"w-where's taehyung?" seokjin asked.

hoseok went back on treating jimin's wounds. "he's dead. mill killed him."

the angel's eyes widened. hoseok will never lie to them.

"no! taehyung can't die!" he shouted, tears now streaming down to his cheeks.

"d-don't say that. you're lying."

"i never lie, seokjin. you know that." hoseok said the went to his table when he's done.

seokjin broke down and cried his eyes out. he can't believe that he just lost his brother.

namjoon pulls him in a hug and rubs his back. "calm down, jinnie."

jungkook watches them and feels bad for seokjin.

if only i can do anything to bring taehyung back. he thought.

he turns his attention to jimin who's still laying down on the bed and staring at the feather. he knew how much the boy is hurting right now and he promised to himself that he will make jimin go back to his happy self. with or without taehyung.

he flutters his eyes open and was immediately met by darkness.

"fuck." he mutters once he realized where he is.

he is at the place where demons are sent when they died and he can't see anything but darkness.

he sat up and reats his face on his palms, thinking about what happened earlier.

mill successfully killed him.

"that fucker." he mumbles and growls loudly.

he growls and screams as loud as he can, thinking how mill killed him so easily. "i can't die! no!"

jimin's face suddenly came to his mind and he widened his eyes. "j-jimin.." he mumbles, remembering jimin's face before he fell unconscious and turns into ashes.

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