Trapped (Tommy and Dream) (Angst)

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 (spoilers for Tommy's March 1st stream. Content warning: character death, suicidal thoughts, thoughts and mention of selfharm, abandonment, abusive behavior.)  

     Just the thought of Dream brought tears to Tommy's eyes.

     He planned this whole thing to tell Dream how hurt he made him and he would leave and never see the green monster again. Tommy would stand up one final time before he would finish healing.

     "SAM!" Tommy yelled as his voice wobbled. Dream was smirking from his spot against the wall. "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Tommy was shaking as his fists clenched in frustration. He was so tired and just wanted to go home.

     "Tommy, it's been hours. A security breach means you have to stay here for awhile." Dream explained for the hundreth time but Tommy wasn't listening.

     "This isn't funny, Sam! Just let me out!" His voice was hoarse and hurt as he let out a little cough. Dream just watched as he wore himself down.


     "You know, you can always come here and we can have some fun like the good old days." Dream suggested as he pat the spot next to him. Tommy was laying with his back towards the older boy and had his hands over his ears and fingers curled up in messy locks of blond.

     "They may have been fun times for you but not me." Tommy muttered as he gazed at the lava.

     The cell had been quiet for a few minutes before Dream sighed and got up.

     "Get over here." Tommy flinched at the tone he recognized from exile but was unwilling to listen. His palms dug into his ears with each step Dream took that echoed against the walls. Arms wrapped around his biceps as he was pulled further into the cell.

     "Let me go!" Tommy begged as Dream threw him into the corner between the chest and block of glowstone. The teen felt claustrophobic as Dream crept closer.

     "Let's talk, Tommy."


     "It's been over a week. Please let me out, Sam!" Tommy croaked as the prison guard sighed.

     "I can't do that until I find out who tried to get in."

     "I can help you, Sam! Just let me out and I can help find whoever this was!" Tommy was getting closer and closer to the lava pool as he begged.

     "I can't let you out no matter what! Just stay in there for a few days."

     "Let me at least see you!" Tommy shouted as the tears started to roll down his face again. "You know how I feel about being in here with him."

     "I know, I know. I wish I could, Tommy but I really can't." Tommy could hear the footsteps from the other side of the prison. Sam was walking away.


     Sam left before he knew it.


     "NOW THAT INTERSTATE IS PAVED WITH MEMORIESSSSS!" Tommy decided to deal with his insanity with singing and annoying Dream. It obviously worked since the older man just grumbled and put his hands over his ears. Tommy's claustrophobia and fear mixed into nonstop movement as he paced the same length of floor over and over again. Bruises from Dream littered his face and neck and Tommy managed to chip a bit of the clock to reopen old wounds. The small shard was in his pocket to hide but it was obvious Dream didn't care about his health.

     Tommy pulled his sleeves up to reveal the white lines from past battles and from past 'sessions' in which he used either glass or a small blade. It had been awhile since he self inflicted or had been in a battled.

     Dream looked over with a smile.

     "Thinking about doing your bad habit again?" Tommy looked over before shoving his hands into his pockets.

     "No, I've been getting better. I promised Sam and Puffy I would at least try." The smile on the older man's face got bigger.

     "Are they your new parents or something?" Tommy slumped onto the floor against the wall farthest from Dream.

     "No, Phil still is my dad." Dream raised an eyebrow.

     "You mean the guy who killed your brother and is chose his war buddy over his two sons? The man who helped blow up the country you built with your dead brother, the only thing you have of him left, and then leaving after ridiculing you? He left you for dead in exile. Is he really your father?" Tommy stayed silent before wrapping his arms tightly around his knees.

     "I guess Wilbur was more of my father than he was. And then once I got out of exile, Sam took up the job and Puffy joined as well." Dream got up and faced the wall with his arms crossed.

     "And then Wilbur died after becoming abusive to you and then Sam put you in prison with no remorse?" Tommy could hear the snicker in his voice. "Puffy isn't here, neither is Phil and Sam isn't letting you out. You are all alone." Tommy buried his head against his knees.

     "N-no I am not. I have friends, I have people who care-"

     "No, Tommy. You have nobody. Where is Tubbo? Where is Ranboo? Where is everyone you thought were friends? How long has it been since you have even seen Tubbo?"

     "How do you know about that?" Dream turned and walked over. He tilted Tommy's head up with his index finger.

     "Me? I have friends. They give me information outside of this prison. On the contrary to your beliefs, people actually visit me. You have nobody." Tommy let out a little sob as he turned his head away from Dream.

     The older man just pulled him up and hugged him close.

     Tommy practically melted in the warmth that wrapped around him. It was an angry touch but one that felt familiar. Dream used to do this to Tommy while in exile-

     "You won't manipulate me that easily, bastard." Tommy shoved him away before turning. He hugged himself close with shaking arms to try and get that warmth back although he would never admit it. Dream just laughed behind him.

     "Have it your way then, Tommy."


     The whole reason Tommy wanted to commit suicide in exile was to go by his hands.

     Not Dream's.

     Tommy could feel his life drifting as he pleaded for his abuser to stop punching him into the wall. His back was painfully digging into the obsidian and blood was just about everywhere. Sure, Tommy pissed Dream off but he didn't want to die.

     "Dream! You are going to kill me!" Tommy shouted as the blood dripped from his broken nose. The prisoner just smiled.

     "God, you are so fucking annoying." Dream then wrapped his hands around Tommy's neck as he struggled. Fingers coated in blood clawed at the hands wrapped around his neck. Small squeaks were heard until a crack.

     Tommy fell to the ground, neck twisted in an unnatural way.

     He was gone.

Words: 1145
Written: Tuesday, March 2nd, 2020

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