Dream (Tommy, Dream(?)) (angst?)

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(Content warning: literally the same as every other oneshot)

     "Tommy, did I ever tell you the story?"

     The teen looked over at the other prisoner in the prison with a look of disgust but slight confusion.

     "No, but I really don't give a shit." Dream cackled at that.

     "I think you would. Let's start from the beginning, hmm?"


     A young blond was scampering around villiages, stealing any food he could to try and survive. He managed to steal from the wrong person though.

     "Hey! Come back here!" He just ran down the alley but before he could turn the corner, the man fell from the sky and landed in front of him. The blond was shocked and dropped the food, cowering and covering his face.

     "Please don't kill me! I don't have anything you want!" The boy shouted. The man just gave him a comforting smile and held a hand out to him.

     "If you would like, I can take care of you. I at least want to help you get food if you don't want to stay. I have other children and I want to help you too. Please, let me help you." The boy liked the color of his eyes. He took the hand and followed the man home.


     The boy had become a child soldier, fighting for a cause he believed in throughout the pain. He held the hands of those around him and lived to be loud and boisterous. A boy that knew his father must somewhere be smiling with pride.

     With so many friends, family, and support, he lived.

     He was happy throughout the bloodshed and tears that spilt and stained his soul and nothing seemed to phaze him.


     The boy experienced loss of those close to him, betraying him and leaving. A man was the only one to give it to him, with a harsh hand and control over his life. He had a dream that he was going to live out, either in his death or life.

     He almost threw himself off a pillar and into the ground but ran, not looking behind him. No matter what he did, he just couldn't seem to be loved anymore.

     A place he loved and fought for was burnt to the ground by his own father who only looked at him in disgust. His best friend left him, so many people kept leaving, one after another.


     He finally put the man in prison.

     It was freeing, being able to breathe without the fear of being hit. He was still abandoned but was being nurtured the Warden of the prison and a motherly figure of the server. They cared for him.

     Until he was locked with the prisoner.

     He died and was revived multiple times but still pushed on until the prisoner shared a story. Suddenly, a man appeared in the cage, a man the boy recognized and trusted, allowing him to pull him out-


     "What the hell? You are just sharing my story with a fucked up ending!" Tommy shouted as Dream just laughed again.

     "It's our story, Tommy." The teen tilted his head in confusion.

     "Yeah, you are mentioned but it's not our story-"

     "I think you are mistaken, Tommy." Dream got up from the ground and walked over to Tommy who was sitting on the chest in the corner of the room. "Take off my mask, Tommy." The blond was taken aback and shook his head.

     "No, I'm not-"

     "I know you are curious, just take it off." Tommy was curious. He reached his shaking hands up and unlatched the mask. It fell to the ground and shattered as he realized who was under the mask.

     "Y-you..." Tommy whispered in disbelief.

     "I had a dream, Tommy. It was to prove EVERYONE who abandoned me in a hellhole that I lived in, day after day, to show them that I could do something. I could be scary, I coule frighten them into submission. I could give up any affection I had for anything I had in the world. Affection ruined me, and I'm trying to help you see that."

     The face that stared into Tommy's soul was his, but older and scarred. The same crooked nose, chipped tooth, same scarring pattern, everything. The only thing was the green eyes.

     "Karl arrived here, took me to his master and his master gave me all these powers. I have shapeshifting, revival, change of sounds, everything! I had to lose my humanity to gain all this power! And now, I'm giving it to you!" Dream- Tommy cackled. "Puffy took me in when I arrived back on earth, became my mother and and went through life being who Dream is! Dream has never existed, it's just you, and me!"

     "But why would you take advantage of Puffy like that-"

     "Because I don't give a fuck about anyone anymore! I thought it was pretty obvious. I kind of hoped that Phil still was proud of me."

     "But you hurt me-"

     "So we can be powerful! If I didn't, you and I wouldn't be here right now!" The younger Tommy looked down at his hands before looking back at the older him.

     "No- no! I don't want power! I just want to be loved! Karl will now save me and I can fix everything!" He shouted as the older him smirked.

     "Oh, Tommy, do you really think he is coming immediately? I will force you as my own, you will become me no matter if you want to or not, it is fate, it is destiny for us. It is a Dream."


     Tommy could imagine the boy he watched cry and scream for his family as himself. The pain of them never coming to his party, never loving him equally. He smiled and hugged the boy to him. It was sinister and he remembered when he had been hugged like this.

     "Don't worry, Tommy. I am here for you, it is all just a dream."

Words: 986
Written: Friday, March 12th, 2021

My sister showed me a animation where Tommy wore the Dream mask for a frame and I took it and ran. Its not my idea, most of these aren't my ideas by the way but I really thought this was interesting though.

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