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Dinner goes fine and most of the night flies by pretty fast. The younger kids get into bed earlier than the rest but eventually everyone goes into their sleeping areas.

Yoongi wakes up at eight in the morning to take a shower. He goes into the back of the cabin and quickly rinses off his body. Once out he wraps a towel around his waist and exits the bathroom, not expecting company.

"Oh my god what is with you and not knocking," Yoongi groans at the younger.

"'M sorry. I-I thought you were still asleep. My parents said to come and wake yo-"

"Well I'm awake. Thanks,"

Yoongi rolls his eyes and picks out some jeans and a sweater. He goes into the back to get dressed before coming back out again.

"Alright show me the way."

The two leave the cabin and make their way up to the main house where breakfast was being served.

"Yoongi, good morning!" Mrs. Park greets, "did you sleep well?"

"Yes I slept fine thank you."

Yoongi sits down next to Jimin as he's served some pancakes.

"Alright so everyone has their typical chores to do, for today you can pick anyone to help out," Mr. Kim states.


They finish breakfast rather quickly. Mrs. Park cleans up all the dishes as the kids help get them into the dishwasher. Mr. Kim walks over to Yoongi and hands him a cigarette.

"One in morning, one at night."


"Just go onto the back porch."

Yoongi takes in and walks out to the back side of the house and lights it. He takes a big breath as a cloud of smoke trails from his mouth.

"You use those..?" The tiny voice speaks up.

"Oh not you again."

Yoongi looks over to see Jimin's doe eyes looking at him.

"Are they cigarettes?"

"Yeah? And?"

"Aren't they bad for you?"

"Who cares," Yoongi replies and takes another puff, "you wanna try?"

Jimin eyes go wide eyes as he rapidly shakes his head.

"Suit yourself."

Once done Yoongi steps off the the porche to throw the cigarette in the ground and squish it.

"Am I following you around today?"

"I-I well... you c-can no... you- sure," the younger squeaks.

"Alright then, where to?"

"Uh... we should wash our hand first- at the barn! Barn first."

Jimin turns a full 180 degrees and walks off the porch. Yoongi follows suit until they reach the barn. There's a small washing station which they get ready at.

"Okay? Now what?"

"Umm... we have to feed the horses their hay... so grab some from the pile and go into the pens to put it into their pails."

Yoongi does what he is told and starts on the right side of the barn. They both finish fairly quickly and start on brushing off the horses. They bring two horse at a time into the open pen and start brushing them, Jimin showing Yoongi how to do it first.

They start and brush in silence.

"So this all you do? Kind of boring," Yoongi speaks up.

"We do other things that are fun, after all the jobs are done..."

"What is it? Playing checkers?"


"I don't understand how you can just live like this."

"What's wrong with it?"

"Well you're parents are so strict, you can barely live."

"Well at least my parents love me."

"You taking shots at me now, shorty?"

"W-hat n-no! I mean my parents are strict but they still care about me... I don't know anything about your family."

"Care about you by making you do all the dirty work."

Jimin stays silent.

"You've never wanted to do anything... interesting before?"

"I learn interesting things."

"Not like that dumbas- Ah shit- fuck-"

Yoongi groans in anger.

"You gonna run up to daddy, tell him I swore."

"N-no it's... it doesn't bother me."

"Trying to act cool now?"

The younger remains quietly once again.

"I don't want to be hated."

Yoongi rolls his eyes,

"I don't hate you."

"Oh. we-"

"You're annoying but I don't hate you. I would make myself even more miserable if I hated everyone here."


They continue through all the horses until every one is brushed. The area is cleaned up and any garbage is thrown in the trash.

"Okay, is that it?" Yoongi asks.

"For this task..., now onto the next one," Jimin sheepishly replies.

"I am gonna die by the end of this."

Farm Boy | m.y.g x p.j.mWhere stories live. Discover now