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Jin sits on the edge of Jimin's bed as he tosses in the covers.

"You actually have to get out bed and show people you're alive."

"But I'm not," Jimin mumbles.

"That sounds somewhat like a living breathing human."


"Jimin, what do you want me to do?"

"Make it stop hurting."

"Well if I was Jesus Christ himself that would be easy wouldn't it?"

It had been 2 weeks since Yoongi left and it was safe to say that Jimin was miserable. While it seemed that his parents were still stupid and hadn't clued into it, his friends definitely noticed.

"Do you at least wanna talk about it?" Seokjin asks.

"What is there to talk about," Jimin sniffles, "he's probably off with his life, completely forgetting my existence."

"You don't know that."

"But I do, he's that and I'm a stupid farm boy."

"So then leave."

"You know I can't do that."

"Why not? What is stopping you."

"My parents."


"Be quiet!"

"I'm just saying, you're parents cannot physically restrain you to this house, that's actually illegal."

"If I leave they're never gonna talk to me."

"But you will have him. Who are you willing to risk? Will you look back on your own ranch in 20 years from now and wish that you had left for him?"

"What if I get out there and he doesn't want me."

"I don't think so."

"How do you know? This is all what if."

"I had a conversation with him, when you weren't around."

"When was this?"

"I'm not telling you, but he came over to my home and we had a chat."


"I'm not gonna tell you what he said, that is confidential."

"Oh jeez thanks."

"But after that conversation I know he would take you in a heartbeat."

Jimin feels his heart pounding.

"I don't want any regrets."

"You know you are registered in the university already."

"How though? That takes money I nor my parents have."

"You didn't read the whole letter?"

"I saw accepted and stopped reading?"

Seokjin takes out the taped up acceptance letter Jimin still keeps with him.

"Ahem, here."

"Wait... scholarship placement?"

"Full ride."

"Since when?!"

"Since they saw your dance video of you being a hoe and decided you had talent."

"Hyung, stop."

"What, that's how people talk in the city."


"It's now or never."

"How do I do this?"

"You either leave in front of your parents or in the night."

"I don't think I could look at them."

"Well then here's your last escape plan."


The two brainstorm all day while doing various tasks. They finally come up with a solid plan to get Jimin out and put it into place right away. Jimin packs all his immediate necessities and hides them in his room. He of course writes a note to his parents explaining this decision.

It came to dinner where Jimin joined his family for what would be the last time.

"Jimin you're looking a bit happier today, maybe it was the weather?" Mrs. Park comments.


"I will say it is much better just our family at the dinner table," Mr. Min comments.

Jimin feels a punch to the gut.

"Yes, it is very nice to have an actual family dinner for once," Mrs. Min agrees.

The two keep the chatter going for the rest of the children to join in with while Jimin eats his dinner in silence.

They get their one hour of technology time and finally all go to bed.

"Night Eomma, Night Appa," Jimin calls, "love you."

"See you in the morning Jimin-ah," Mrs. Min answers.

Jimin goes into his room and closes the door. He lays in his bed for an hour before creeping out and taking a look to make sure everyone is asleep. Once confirming they aren't waking up, Jimin gathers his bags and leaves his note on his bed.

He opens his window and throws his bags out before climbing out himself. He takes one final look at his home for the last seventeen years of his life, imagining what his parents reaction would be in the morning. He grabs his belongings and makes his way down the latter to the ground. Once making sure he has everything needed, Jimin starts the walk down the path him and Yoongi had walked before going to the party.

"Are you sure you know where you're going?" Yoongi asks.


"I'm just saying if we get stuck and this turns into some Friday the thirteenth shit..."

"It's not the thirteen?"


"So..." Jimin starts.


"What are your friends like."

"They're pretty chill, you'll like them."

"Will they like me?"

"I don't see why not."

"I can see why not."

"Yeah, but you're with me, so they know you're chill."

Jimin glances to Yoongi who looks back.

"It'll be fine."


"Trust me, you'll go once and want to do it a million times more."

"Is that why you do it?"

"Maybe... I just like pretending my life isn't going to shit."

"You could turn it around?"

"Easier said than done."

"I'm trying to be positive."

"You were honestly the best thing that came into my life."

Jimin mouth comes to an abrupt close as the two keep walking.

Jimin keeps walking until he finally sees a break in the trees. There, his getaway car is waiting. Once he gets close enough, he opens the door and throws himself and all his belongings inside.

"Are you ready?" Seokjin asks.

"It's now or never."

Farm Boy | m.y.g x p.j.mWhere stories live. Discover now