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"You what..." Yoongi says as his voice deepens.

"You heard me."

"Well... I want to hear you say it again," Yoongi whispers.

Yoongi walks back up to the younger, his lips ghosting over Jimin's jaw and neck.

"I...I. Want. You."

Yoongi rests his hands firmly on the younger's shoulders and slides them down his arms carefully. He reaches the hem of Jimin's shirt and lifts it so it goes over his head. Jimin breathes shallowly as he looks down at his bare chest. Yoongi puts a finger to his jaw and lifts his head so he's staring back at him.

"I have every right to ask you if you know what the hell you just asked for."

Jimin nods and leans closer so their lips are practically touching.

"Do you know what you're doing?"

Jimin shakes his head. Yoongi lifts the latter's arms so that they press against his chest. He let his own hands fall own onto the younger's hips where he grabs and brings Jimin closer to kiss. Their lips connect in a slow, passionate kiss. Yoongi turns them around and then turns Jimin around so he's pressed to his chest. Jimin lets out a light gasp as Yoongi starts kissing his neck.  He makes his hands around the entirety of Jimins body and down to his crotch where he begins to grope.

Jimin lets out an audible gasp as he lets his head fall back onto Yoongi chest.


"Have you ever touched yourself Jimin-ah?" Yoongi whispers.


"Mmm.., you're so pure, just for me?"

"Yoon...keep going."

"Where are your manners baby?"


Yoongi keeps going until Jimin is in absolute bliss. He eventually stops much to Jimin displeasure and turns the younger back around to lean him back onto the bed. He lies down on the bed and Yoongi climbs on top of him. They continue to kiss as Yoongi helps Jimin out of his clothes and remove his own.

"You are absolutely beautiful."

Jimin watches Yoongi careful movements, always remembering to pepper his face with kisses.

"Do you trust me?" Yoongi asks.


"Are you sur-"

"Yes... please, hyung."


Jimin wakes up and is confused on his where abouts. He scans the room and the memories of the previous night fill his mind. His face heats up as he sinks back under the covers.


Jimin creeps his eyes out from under the covers to see Yoongi standing at the edge of the bed, already dressed in some plain jeans.

"Mor...good morning."

"You good?"


Yoongi picks up a pile of clothes and tosses them to the younger.

"They're dry now."

"Oh... thanks," Jimin replies, now sitting up in bed.

Yoongi nods and looks to his feet.

"Well I'll be outside."

He looks at Jimin one more time before walking outside. Jimin lets out a breath he was holding in and quietly gets out of bed to get dressed. Once done, he makes his way outside where he sees Yoongi leaning against the side of the building while smoking.

"That was quick."

"I'm fast at getting ready in the day, I've had eighteen years of practice with my parents yelling at me to be faster."

Yoongi chuckles, "can relate to you on that one."

Yoongi finishes and the two make their way up to the main house where it is very quiet. They walk in and everyone is already eating breakfast.

"Good morning," Yoongi greets.

"Morning," Mrs. Park responds, "breakfast?"

"Yes, thank you."

The two sit down and watch as everyone eats silently while Mr. Park reads the paper. When everyone finishes they clean up and continue on to their daily tasks. Yoongi and Jimin go their separate ways as Mr. Park wants the elder to help himself. Jimin spends most of the day with minimal conversations to anyone especially his parents. At the end of the day he sits in the barn and watches the horses gallop around each other.

"Hey," yoongi says.


"Dinner's almost ready."

"I know..."

"Are you okay?"

"My parents are ignoring me. I can tell."

Yoongi lips form a thin line as he sits next to the younger on they hay pile.

"I don't really know how to be of use here. I'm normally the one ignoring my parents."

"They've never been this mad at me before. I can't imagine what they would think if they knew..."

"Knew what?"

"What I did, what I've done, they would disown me."

"So you're having regrets," Yoongi mumbles.

"No of course not! I just can't help thinking."

"So in a sense you're caring about their opinions more."

"I am not, I am thinking about the consequences of... I don't know! Does it matter?"

"Sounds like you have things to figure out for yourself."


"Jimin, you're an amazing person but I can't do this if you're hesitating because of what your parents think..."

"Are you kidding me?" Jimin scoffs, "you've seen what I've done, I'm trying to wrap my head around everything."

"Well that wasn't the only thing your head was wrapped around so I think the answer is pretty clear."

Jimin stares at Yoongi.

"Just because you have a shitty relationship with your parents, doesn't mean I have to have one too. God, maybe I do realize why you ended up here."

"You do, do you?" Yoongi questions, "well maybe you didn't realize that I wasn't supposed to be here. That my best friend threw the fucking party, and I took the blame that landed me in this shithole in the first place; that if I would've kept my mouth shut, none of this would've happened."

Yoongi stands up and dusts the hay off his pants while Jimin silently stares at him.


"Don't think for a second you have me all figured out just because of this. Talk to me again when you have your shit together, 'cause I'm not waiting."

Farm Boy | m.y.g x p.j.mWhere stories live. Discover now