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Set in front of Reki was a small plate with a omelet. It was almost to beautiful to eat. The red heads eyes sparkled as he took the first bite, moments later finishing it. Langa was relieved he did a good job. "That's really good Langa, Thank you for the dinner" Reki smiled at Langa, who was just finishing his own food. "No problem, I enjoy cooking"

Without another word Reki took both of their plates and started to clean them off. "Reki, you don't have t-"

"you fed me, I have to repay you somehow."

Langa didnt argue, knowing how Reki was. When he was set on something, there's no stopping him.


After Reki finished his cleaning, Langa made the decision to put on a show for them to watch to pass time. "Do you know time you have to be home?" Reki sat down next to his friend and shook his head. "My mom usually lets me stay out late," he thought for a moment before clapping his hands together. "Oh! Hey Langa do you think I could stay the night!" Excitement and hope filled his voice, along with his amber eyes.

Langa hesitated. "Stay the night? So a sleepover?" Reki nodded excitedly, grabbing Langas hand. "Yeah! Like you know, what best friends do!"

"..sure but where would you sleep?"

"I could sleep here on the couch,"

"Yeah but my room is upstairs, isn't the point of a sleepover staying up late and hanging out?"

"Oh that's right...I don't mind sleeping on the floor"

"That's mean! Why would I make you sleep in the floor?"

"The only other option is sleeping in your bed."


Langa stared at Reki, his features lit by the soft blue light of the tv. Langa never really noticed this before but Reki had the cutest freckles lining his nose and sprinkled throughout his cheeks. He was distracted by the beauty of his best friend again and was brought back to reality by Reki shaking his shoulders.

"HEY!! Are you falling asleep already? If you didn't want me to sleep in your bed you could've just told me" The red head waved his hand in front of the boys face.

"O-oh sorry- No it's fine, my bed is big enough" He moved his attention to the tv, still feeling Reki's Amber eyes burning a hole through his skull.


A few episodes later Reki was getting restless and bored. His attention span was that less of a goldfish, if he was working on skateboards he could sit there all day. He glanced at Langa who was focused on the television. Damn hes pretty..

Langa had such pretty features that made Reki extremly jealous. The way his snowy blue hair cupped the side of his face, his side profile, his really pretty icy blue eyes, even the two strands of hair that hung over his eyelashes were absolutely perfect. Oh god, Im so gay.

"Langa?" Reki cleared his throat, bringing himself together.

The boy paused the tv before looking at his friend. "Yes? Are you getting bored?"

Once his eyes landed on him, he perked up a little. "Yeah.."

Langa smiled a little before turning off the tv and standing up. "Let's go play some games then" he nodded his head towards the stairs. They both made their way to his room and once inside Langa sat down on the ground and dug through some games. "If you find something interesting let me know" Reki nodded and joined him in looking.
Minutes later they both agreed on Mario kart. Reki bragged about being 'the best' at it.

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