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Plenty of people wanting angst so ill deliver the best I can SOON!!!

I promise to make it happy in the end.. for us emotionally unstable peeps

Also somehow this book got 3k views in a DAY

Bye- this book sucks wdym

The two boys laid on the couch cuddling eachother and watching tv. Rekis sisters were sitting on the floor in front of them playing with some toys and occasionally looking up at the tv.

"Ki! Do you feel better? Can you play with us!" One of the girls turned around with puppy eyes and grabbed his wrist. "Pleaseee!" They begged him. As much as Reki loved playing with his sisters he was currently being held captive by his lovely boyfriend. "I'm stuck Chihiro, I cant."

Langa peeked over Rekis shoulder and squeezed Reki tighter, making sure not to suffocate him- "sorry" he kissed the red heads cheek after hearing his sisters whine.

A few more minutes passed of cuddling and watching Television before Langas phone went off. He wanted to ignore it but knew if it was his mom that she would freak out.

It was his mom.

"I'll be back Reki" Langa pecked his boyfriends lips before walking out of the living room to take the phone call. He was nervous because his Mom almost NEVER called him unless it was an emergency.

"Hey Mom, what's wrong?"

"Hey dear you need to get home now."

Langas heart sank at the tone of her voice and his hands started to get sweaty.

"Okay, is everything okay?"

"I'll explain when you get home hun, for now I need you to come home."

"Yes ma'am"

With that he ended the call and peeked around the corner to see Reki on the ground with his sisters. "Reki.." Langa shoved his phone in his pocket. "I have to head home, my mom needs me."

"Oh okay, is everything okay?" Reki shot you from his spot. "Do you want me to skate there with you?" He beamed and grabbed Langas bag, handing it to him along with a hoodie he borrowed (because it smelled like Langa)

"Not this time baby," he kissed his forehead. "You're sick and need some more rest."

"Aw! Fine, please be safe this time. Let me know if you need anything!"


It didn't take long to convince Reki that he would be safe, in fact he texted him every few minutes till he got home. He set his bag down along with his shoes at the front door and peeked into the living room. "Hey mom I'm home."

His mom didn't answer. She was on the phone with what sounded like a family member. Langa listened as he walked off into the kitchen to grab a drink and something to snack on while he waited for his mom to finish. He didnt know much family, so he wasnt expecting to much.

"Langa, Honey, I need you to come here." 

Langa followed his moms voice and closed his water bottle, sitting down next to her on the couch. He heard her let out a long tired sigh. "Listen, Hun.." she began. She sounded exhausted, sad. Langa started to panic as he grabbed his moms hand as she does to him when he's nervous.

She gave him a weak smile before it faded to a frown. "We have to go back to Canada for a week or two. Your grandma is sick and she would like to see you before..." she trailed off, tears stinging her eyes.

His grandma, Nanako's mom, was the only family he had contact with. The only family left that he knew. Langa hugged his mom, who was already crying before he got home. She had no more tears to cry. "Mom, how long were you keeping this from me?"

"About two months now.."

"I'm sorry-"

"Oh baby" she cupped her sons cheeks. "Don't apologize okay.. I'm going to need you to pack some bags."

Langas eyes widened a little. He wasn't expecting to hear that so soon. "Wait..when are we leaving?" The blue eyed boy gripped the ends of his shirt, not sure if he wanted to hear the answer. "We are leaving in two days."

He watched as his mother got up from the couch to cook something for them to eat. "I'll make us dinner, bring down what ever clothing you would be taking. You can even bring your snowboarding things that I know you hide in your closet." She smiled to herself, wiping some tears off her chin and grabbing a few things from the fridge.

Langa nodded and headed to his room silently. He didn't know his grandma very well. He's only visited her when he was a child but that didn't stop him from being a little upset.

On top of that what was he supposed to tell Reki..They had a whole week planned for break. What beef they'll be seeing, what places they will be skating go together, what house they are sleeping over at. Reki was super excited about all of it and so was Langa.

He stared at his phone screen which was lit up with Rekis contact name. Should he tell him now or later..

The boy turned his phone off with a sigh and laid down on his bed. He feels so bad for his mom. He feels bad for Reki too.

"This sucks.."


"Hey Nanaka give that back!"

Reki was currently chasing around his sister who had stolen his headband a few minutes ago. Langa just left and he was told to take some rest but his sisters won't leave him be. They were all riled up.

"Never! Hehe!" She put it on her head and continued to run around the kitchen table, almost slipping on one of the mats on the ground. The older sister of the three managed to snatch the headband off her head and toss it to Reki. "I have homework to do, you guys are so loud!"

"Sorry sorry!" Reki grabbed Nanaka and took her to her room. "Hey now, you need to calm down before you hurt yourself. Play with Chihiro!"

After ten minutes of convincing the two little ones to calm down he was able to go back to his room and do his thing. Read some skate magazines, doodle a little, or just nap. He didn't want to look through a magazine because then he would get inspired to make a board which wasn't what someone who is sick should be doing.

The red head opened up his phone, smiling at his lockscreen first. He had a matching one with Langa. He had a picture of Langa from the beach and Langa had the other half of the picture, him. He was curious as to why Langa had gone home and opened up his messages.

He felt his throat get dry and his stomach feel nervous when he saw Langa was typing but it suddenly stopped. Reki thought it was weird but didn't want to bother him about it. So he texted the group chat instead.

Cherrybomb🛹: hey, I heard Miya got sick : (

Nyancat🐱: yeah I'm fine though. I heard you caught my cold-

Cherrybomb🛹: yeah Langa might get sick too he's been hanging out with me all day

He hoped saying that would make Langa look at the group chat but so far the only people that seen the message was Shadow and Miya.

They talked for a while but Reki had a nagging feeling in the back of his mind and it was the best feeling.


Hey besties I updated <3

Anyways let the soft angst begin (I can't write really really sad angst I just- I can't mentally and emotionally do it 😩✋)


Thank you Sm for all the love on the note chapter <3
I deleted it bc it's not that important but seriously YALL ARE TOO TOO SWEET

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