23|The End

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"Langa!" Reki gasped and sat up. He broke out in a cold sweat, frantically looking around him for the blue haired boyfriend who wasnt laying next to him.

Seconds later Langa peeked from the bathroom door with semi-wet hair and came running to his scared red head. "Reki, are you okay?" He pulled the boy into his chest. He felt Reki clutch his t-shirt and tremble a little. He felt hot again, but he just got over being sick.

"Oh- thank god... It was just another stupid dream." Reki relaxed into the arms of his boyfriend. Ever since Langa got beat up pretty badly hes been having more dreams about losing him. This time it was as drastic as a plane crash. It could just be his fear of losing Langa when he is gone.

"A dream? What was it about?" Langa ran his fingers through Rekis red hair, fixing a few strands that stuck up more than usual.

"Nothing! Ahem..nothing." If Reki were to tell Langa it would just make him feel bad for leaving, more than he already did. "It was just a dream so it doesn't matter."

"..okay then." Langa smiled a little, continuing to hug the still shaken up boy.



"You're leaving tomorrow, right?"


"Oh." Reki got over the fact he's going to be gone for a week but it still hurt to hear it. He's going to miss him A LOT.

"Dont sound so sad, Reki. I'll get you a souvenir if you want." Langa went back to cuddling Reki. He could stay like that all day, cuddling the red head he loved most. He's going to miss him.

"You're the only souvenir I want." Reki nuzzled his face into his boyfriends chest. He realized how cheesy that sounded and apologized. "Sorry that was dumb."

"No, it was really cute."


"Hey guys, Miya and Shadow are sitting over at the booth."

Langa decided he would share the news with his friends before he actually had to leave. So they did what they always did and met up at Joes restaurant.

The restaurant was pretty full and Joe was as busy as ever so they had to wait till the customers died down a little.

"Hey Reki, Langa!" Miya waved them over, going back to the game in his phone after the two slid into the booth. "Hey Miya. Hey shadow."

They waited to order anything so that Kojiro doesn't have to work any harder than he was. So they had some small talk about the recent beef at 'S' until the customers started to die down.

" 'Kay Langa. What did you need to tell us?" Joe threw a damp cloth over his shoulder, pulling up a chair. "Oh- uh yeah.."

"I'm going to be leaving back to Canada for a week. So I'll be missing some of your beefs and I won't be here.." He felt guilty for not being able to be there when his friends race. On top of that he was going to miss them.

It's only a week. 7 days. It's not that big of a deal. But it still didn't stop Langa from missing them the whole time he was gone.

"Aw man!" Miya pouted a little. He had beef this week and wanted Reki and Langa to both be there and watch him, plus he was going to miss the blue haired boy who sometimes took him to the arcade when Reki couldn't.

Shadow and Joe frowned a little bit but Shadow didn't seem to react that much. He was the babysitter of them so it's just one less child to take care of.

"Just be careful, that's all I ask." The dad- ahem, Kojiro said, grabbing a few cups from the table. "And keep that pretty lady safe too." He teased causing him to receive a kick in the ankle from Reki.

"Don't talk about his mom like that!" He pouted a little, crossing his arms in shame.

"Okay, okay."


The sk8 family hung out for an hour or two, planning a whole three days for when Langa gets back. It consisted of a bunch of skating, the beach, and some one on one time with Reki. They planned that part alone though.

"Bye guys!" Miya waved his friends goodbye. He got into Shadows car since he was the one who drove him there. Miya's mom trusted his friends to take care of him, which might not be the safest thing to do but-

"Bye Miya! Shadow!" Reki waved them off and grabbed Langas hand. "Bye guys!" In a matter of two seconds Langa was being dragged off to the skatepark.

"Wah- Reki wait-" Langa had trouble getting onto his board while his boyfriend pulled him along.

"There's no time to wait! We have to watch the sunset together, I don't wanna miss it! It's the last one we see together for a week."

Langa smiled to himself and regained his balance, following his boyfriend close behind. "You're so cute."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not. Now shush." He kicked up his board and jumped the small gate. The skate park was closed but it had the perfect field for lying down in the grass and watching the sun set and stars appear.

"Who knew you were the romantic one." Langa propped his board up on the bench, following Reki to the small field and sitting down next to him.

"I just think the sun set is prettier when you enjoy it with someone you love." He pulled his knees up to his chest. Slightly hiding his blushing cheeks.

The sun started to set, they got there just in time. The sky was a mix of amber and yellow, like Reki's eyes. Langa found watching the sunset with Reki very peaceful. No matter how much hes done it, he's always felt happy.

Reki plopped down into the grass, his arms behind his head. "I'm gonna miss you a lot..but! I'll practice a lot of tricks to show you when you get back!" He looked over at his boyfriend, who was still sitting up but looking down at him. "I'll be looking forward to that Reki." Langa smiled before hovering over Reki, giving him a kiss.

No matter how many kisses he gives Reki each one filled him with butterflies.


"Yes Starburst?"

"How much do you love me?"

"To infinity and back of course."

"Mm..I'm glad."


Is this the angst yall wanted? Me ending the book :)

Is that the angst you expected besties?

Don't worry besties I'll be adding more chapters ‼️💕

Blahblah- you'll see <3

Also thanks for all the love on my other book KDNDND I appreciate it a lot <3333
Also I made a Matchablossom one too :D <3

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